You demonise a dude whom you then loathe,
He's left you looking after your sweet child
By which I'm pestered, prompted, else beguiled,
And whom you housetrain, feed, scrub clean, and clothe.
Please, honey, kiss byebye to cuss, don't oath
And throw off little left you when you're wild,
The salvage can then take pretext for troth,
I may be callous too, I'm often rather mild.
Through you I've sourced escape from self deceit,
I panned no master, my frames were eyesores,
Was hobbyist playing with paint across a sheet,
As creatives often are such barren bores.
You're silly looking back, here's brand new start,
As you're quite beautiful and young at heart.
o $10,000,000 start
o $10,000,000 beginning
o $10,000,000 origin
[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]