a study toward sonnet #1,249 by FisherKingKQJ
I've sailed and navigated storms for years,
This last one was unwaveringly worst,
My red yawl dashed down by its sudden burst,
My foolishness, in hindsight, forcing tears.
Tide pulls out, clouds disperse, blue sky appears,
Tree isle, half mile silt merge with mainland erst,
I plod across to Westfield, once thought cursed,
Old meatworks wrecked, industrial park now rears.
A fellow who drowned top shelf, so flogged to death,
Has passed me in the street, it can't be him;
A bloke who was run over still drawing breath?
A girl with cancer, green as, fat chance slim.
Then know my vice, I love my life too much,
I lean on lookalikes as though on a crutch.
o $10,000,000 much
o $10,000,000 lot
o $10,000,000 plenty
[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]