The Open Prison
a one act play to demonstrate three dimensional
interactive movies
George a bartender and kidnapper
Georgie his underage hostage
Maria the landlady
George "I shaved my organ to make it look like a
little boy's. I think that I can tell you that as you've been
my baby for two years, now. I can trust you with that
sensitive confession."
Georgie "I think you shaved yourself to make yourself
look bigger, to scare me."
George "Never! You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen.
I wouldn't touch you. You're a goddess.
Have you gone short of anything
in this underground bolt hole?"
Georgie "I miss homework, I miss my pretend friends, my
personal bully, my parents out at all hours."
George "You can get all the news you need on the latest
dictators from the newspaper. Beauty tips. I used to serve your father
in the bar and he'd say he couldn't stand you. Then for a while
he cried tears for the media. Then the media got sick of him
taking up space. Now, he says he's glad to be rid of you
passing teenage phase or not, and noone notices as I
pour him a beer."
Georgie "But they're sure to catch you, sooner or later."
George "I'll commit suicide first. We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it."
Georgie "Can I help you dig? I've got some time to kill."
George "Absolutely not. You've been a bad girl, Georgie.
This room is going to be smaller with a trellis across it,
you are going straight to jail, Georgie."
Georgie "But what did I do? I couldn't swing a cat in here."
George "You'll be doing a bank holiday in pokie
where you can swing a brown Norwegian rat all you like."
(To be continued)