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Friday, October 31, 2003

Sonnet #36 by FisherKingKQJ

White lead ceruse for pox scar or freckle
His love brushed on her face, neck and bosom.
She dabbed Solimon's Water on each speckle,
Clearing spots or sores or freckles loathesome.
She loathed the gummata on wizened skin,
The foul breath, black teeth, red lipless flesh
And copious spittle shoring her gums thin:
She swabbed at all rheums on her jowl afresh.
Puffed, red eyes rendered watery painful
Washed mirrors full of parchment skinned crone:
Shipwreck's figurehead chipped now disdainful,
In bathtub porcelain she lolled alone.
Once a beauty whom sculptors would peruse:
Strange sepulchre-white woman of ceruse.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000
Once a beauty whom sculptors would peruse. SPADES
o $10,000,000
Once a beauty whom sculptors would observe. CLUBS
o $10,000,000
Once a beauty whom sculptors would study. DIAMONDS

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Monday, October 27, 2003

Sonnet #34 by FisherKingKQJ

Metamorphosis traipsed me svelte Zephyr:
Now I perch in this tall stand of poplars;
To Psyche and Cupid I calmly defer:
On basalt slabs hot in a clearing sparse
In posied chamomile and primrose spars,
Basking, sunstruck, their naked arms linking,
Wings wafting heat round nectar laden jars,
I saw Cupid frisking Psyche unblinking,
Bags of butterfly stamped drachmas clinking
Round ankles, Cupid gently chew her lip...
Kisses startled Psyche to crazy blinking-
She squealed at reddened pinches on the hip.
Such was Psyche's beauty: imbecile, statuesque:
Loved from afar by great kings in a queue.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 queue
o $10,000,000 file
o $10,000,000 row

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Sunday, October 26, 2003

I've got many, many sweet melodies to underpin these 3D interactive love sonnets. Thirty or so are written specifically from a girl's point of view for which I'm going to hire female singers and in which I will participate myself chorally as a girl thru voice synthesizing software.

by FisherKingKQJ, the angling rod of Syn City.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Sonnet #33 by FisherKingKQJ

Amongst tall pumice stacks did Cupid doff
His sword and sabre with scarce a quiver;
Neck high in bubbling pool he nodded off,
Now accustomed to heat with a shiver.
Centaur Chiron stole by. He forged his meme...
Sword and sabre sharp honed on icicles.
Snowflakes on his back shrank and rose as steam;
Down his cheeks ran sweaty tears in trickles.
In wreathes of betony lolls my missus,
She bathes all day and she extolls to gype
In scalding hot effervescent hisses
Of sulfuric steam vent her sciatic hip:
Thus, Cupid's sword and sabre cooled by ice,
Torched by white lava, temper in her eyes.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 ice
o $10,000,000 hale
o $10,000,000 sleet

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Thursday, October 23, 2003

Sonnet #32

Cupid's capricious waxed flaming arrow
Did barb me while I slouched in the firebrake.
I woke while it seared my flesh and marrow
I screamed and stumbled down toward the lake.
By Cupid I was deemed a large kebab,
Aorta heat sealed, I scried all our futures,
I broke tip from shaft, the gash turned to scab
And buttonhole scar of ribcage sutures.
I quaffed Lethe's milky carbonated fizz
From two cracked jugs for antibiotic balm.
I was asked back despite my jealous tizz
To her queensized mattress and steel alarm.
My scold's gaze is a squinting loophole stare,
It fires me Cupid's shaft with loving flair.

o $10,000,000 stare
o $10,000,000 gawk
o $10,000,000 ogle

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Sonnet #31 by FisherKingKQJ

Text message teaser now: bad hair day Kate -
Her symmetries make your eyes googly, mate;
A perfumed candle, she ignites your strait,
You yourself rearviewed look but joking great.
I have a genetics bound vaunting trait:
I told her girlfriend of your lovelorn state.
She gobetweened to me: mark up the slate -
With her friend your smile carried ample freight.
So give her one white rose on your first date;
When lost for right words do not slap your pate...
Don't smack lips, as she's no burger you ate:
Do get past drooling - where tyre kicks can sate.
God boy and girl did imperfectly did create -
From funnybone one shy love worth the wait.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 create.
o $10,000,000 form.
o $10,000,000 produce.


Sonnet #31 in the original SMS from a disposable mobile phone with a disposable #. ph: JJJ 27Q 10A7

Txt msg ;-) nw: &:-) K8
Hr symtrs mk u %, m8.
1 prfmd ~= = sh ignts yr str8.
U yrslf rrvwd lk bt :*) gr8.
I hv d gntcs bnd vntng tr8
I tld hr grlfrnd f yr lvlrn st8.
Sh gbtwnd 2 me mrk up d sl8
Wth hr frnd yr sml crrd sm w8
S gv hr 1 wht @}--\-,- n yr 1st d8
Whn @ a lss 4 wrds dnt slp yr p8
X :g yr lps s f (xoII) u 8
G pst :-)~ - whr tyr kkng wl s8
Gd X + Y dd mprfct cr8
Frm fnnybn 1 shy lv wrth d w8.

Gd X + Y dd mprfct cr8
Gd X + Y dd mprfct frm
Gd X + Y dd mprfct prdc

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Monday, October 20, 2003

Sonnet #30 by FisherKingKQJ

Irked by scrawled biro blots upon a map,
And strapping on and off our knapsack loads,
Till concertina'd folds had shred to scrap,
Till we improvised bumpy dirt back roads.
Loose hybrid bikes loud rattled the flatdeck,
The barefoot priest in kneelength cassock tent,
Gear shifting, asked which dish we'd like to check:
Broiled cozido from volcanic steam vent.
He bragged of Skelling Michael Island long:
His fingers tripped along my friend's slim thigh
A gang of fearless puffins who would throng
The monastery hundreds of steps high.
The Ford ute nearly stalled. I'd be so daft
To ask a priest about the old crankshaft.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 daft.
o $10,000,000 loon.
o $10,000,000 mad.

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Sunday, October 19, 2003

Sonnet #29

Poor Julie's husband well known for his grope-
This character flaw causes me to blush-
The lecher; if she can cope I can cope;
Babe, biddy, he'll awkwardly touch her tush.
Against me in tight hallways he'll try brush,
When I give him a warm peck on the cheek,
His craned neck sticks his tongue in my mush,
He'll grab my bum to him and roughly tweak;
His other hand begins to gently sneak
Past my silk scarf and buttons quickly undo-
She'll be next door, and I'll feel that I'll freak....
I'll palm him back and breathe on him like glue.
He plugs tobacco in his brown briar pipe.
Adjusts his collar. Keeps him young, why gripe?

{3D interactive chorus:]

o $10,000,000 gripe?
o $10,000,000 scold?
o $10,000,000 whine?

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Friday, October 17, 2003

Sonnet #28 by FisherKingKQJ

She's in a coma. Once I sought her smile.
I've now dreamed of some young office lover,
I've slept on couches for more than a while;
She's much worse than some cop undercover.
I'm entrapped by old love long past over-
I regret the many putdowns I'd spoken-
Mental pictures of her car crash hover,
Fool to wish on her mum a hip broken!
Schadenfreude desires won't be rewoken...
So, I laud the doctor's clipboard muster,
In the ward my presence is but token,
I'm racked by guilt at the legal fluster.
A nurse feeds tubes to my insular wife:
Ten years of coma? God download a life!

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 wife
o $10,000,000 partner
o $10,000,000 spouse

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Sonnet #27 by FisherKingKQJ

Manslaughter two was how he bumped his end,
I endured the undertakers' parlour,
With my then boyfriend, our ebullient friend;
In our black limousine I felt love sour.
We huddled his priest on a hailstone shower,
Mist wound the granite gravestone like a gauze,
His sapele casket was then grappled lower
And lower to hole bottom; and I took pause
To mull around my boyfriend's various flaws:
His friend's voice steamed and tickled my cold nose,
Amusing with tales of bending back laws:
John was some sort of wasteful overdose-
A hypodermic syringe was the cause.
I wore my black cocktail dress all that wake:
And wreathed a puppy love for real love's sake.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 wake
o $10,000,000 burial
o $10,000,000 funeral

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Sonnet #26

Sometimes I feel trenchantly insecure.
Slouched on a chaise lounge in the study lair,
Engulfed by shame, she's golden, fine and pure;
Say gurus oversweet is pain past care.
From playful eyes I might then disappear
In patterned velour dyed cyan or bolder,
In armrests of curled oak, I might repair,.
Slow down time so the insult might moulder.
Should I puff on a spark in the smoulder?
Her brown eyes glitter, where I'd expect strife.
She pats on my shin, taps on my shoulder...
I mouth mute words for the superficial life.
I've got my lovely warm girl on my knee:
This joy no mother-in-law could stymie.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 stymie.
o $10,000,000 blockade.
o $10,000,000 deter.

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Friday, October 10, 2003

Sonnet #24 by FisherKingKQJ

But you were only stood up, yet you rue
This crush: but it's a frivolously pain,
You want a love that's automatic true-
And women can be disappointment plain.
Though people say they'd do it all again,
Yourself, you'd transform every small bit.
Young, suicidal friend, I'm such an ex git
By six degrees of alienation, please perpend:
Once I put on a nice shirt for my end...
But didn't want to leave a blemished skin;
I've taken up ruts which once would offend;
I yawn first world lifestyle with Bombay gin.
Feelings are invalid streams of fancy:
To parrot maxims is much less chancey.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 fancy
o $10,000,000 desire
o $10,000,000 yearning

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies]


Thursday, October 09, 2003

Sonnet #23 by FisherKingKQJ

My darling, I'm sick of your etiquette,
I like boozy safetyvalve eased sorrow;
Hierarchies make my tummy so upset:
When did we trade today for tomorrow?
A barmaid wiping lager glasses by row
With a chamois you were, I your student;
I was mistaken twice, you growled me low,
Another's look and name I was thus lent.
It rippled out love at first sight misspent,
A sick world's evolved and wasteful feat:
A young lion who's outcast must kill and rent,
Young cubs, putting lionesses in heat.
My sweet, your wifely status you can't flout...
I give you timely largesse of the doubt.

{3D interactive chorus:}
o $10,000,000 flout
o $10,000,000 break
o $10,000,000 dismiss

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


a study toward sonnet #25 by FisherKingKQJ

So Cupid swept Psyche off dewy cobblestones
High over mulberry and orange trees;
She'd leapt her window sill to crack her bones,
Forced assassin, she'd sought suicide ease.
She sidled close to Cupid on both knees
While he slept, let scorching wax slip,
He'd groaned a hideous, roaring wheeze,
His plumed wings agonised by drip on drip.
Psyche now exposed, hid the arsenic nip
In bullying Proserpine's strongbox of kohl,
Which seemed unworthy of an arrow tip,
Which fluttered the dark eyelids of her soul.
Then, Cupid bandaged her bones with a twist,
Then her deep aches away he smoothly kissed.

o $10,000,000 twist
o $10,000,000 rotation
o $10,000,000 wind

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


sonnet #20

Her moods are limited, yet they express;
If sad, she'll weep, if thrilled, too, she'll cry;
A doppel deed of lack and then excess,
Her blue redrimmed eyes beckon, yet decry.
Her smile's an icecold meteor flashing by,
Her giggle sidles quasars for their spin,
Her weight is twin suns offset in blue sky,
Her verve ends just as neutron stars begin,
Her secrets are white dwarves with gassy skin,
Her past is wormholes looking for a clue,
Her views are x-rays from a blackhole bin,
Her diary reads a multiverse long due.
The Milky Way's dissovling, sparkling twirl
Compares to quizzing blue eyes of my girl.

o $10,000,000 twirl
o $10,000,000 roll
o $10,000,000 spin

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Sonnet #22 by FisherKingKQJ

You tell me so much what I want to hear,
And you reply the way I would respond;
You say concise things like an abstract seer,
And generalisations are your bond.
I puzzle gestures of which I've grown fond:
Their secret meaning underlines your chat,
Your fingertips are Cancer's claws in a pond -
And pinch up bubbles from silt this way that;
Your fist is Aries's skull engaging spat
And batters again and again to ding;
Your wrist is Scorpio's readied, upraised bat,
And forecasts timely an appointed sting.
Though compliments said a context may lack...
Our true love ascends the signs of zodiac.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 lack
o $10,000,000 absent
o $10,000,000 shortfall

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Monday, October 06, 2003

Sonnet #21 by FisherKingKQJ

She sips some Ouzo from her highball glass,
And icecubes tinkle off a swizzle stick;
Her Greek firstmate lent her initiate sass,
Grammatical English accented thick.
She saw him in a taverna and felt the click,
And gathered in a kiss she found him sweet,
Like grape and pitta yoghurt they would lick;
The lobster tattoo in his armpit neat,
His waxed chest itself she would lick and eat...
Now she faced a mortgage on the duplex,
Her ex fiancee, a friend to faghag effete;
O Thassos! she missed snorkelling shipwrecks!
Stirred up by her stereo, strummed bazaouki,
She lived again sunsets, a long stone quay.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 quay.
o $10,000,000 pier.
o $10,000,000 wharf.

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Saturday, October 04, 2003

Sonnet #19 by FisherKingKQJ

Wishing no more arguments to suffer,
I mouth white lie, euphemism and factoid;
She's an alpha chimp disturbed by buffer,
She prowls where I retreat and glares annoyed.
Her way is head on, mine to shrewd avoid,
What shield is etiquette against blunt couth?
Her angle: heart and mind should be alloyed,
My angle: mind and heart should split for ruth.
She trends me an intellectual in her sooth,
Though hypocritic lies we both abhorr;
We've time for filibuster or half truth,
Somehow I feel a shackled prisoner of war.
But if man is a virus, woman is a host,
A tolerance between us matters most.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 host
o $10,000,000 carrier
o $10,000,000 pod

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]

Sulla, Dictator of Rome

Watch your friend earn a million dollars!
Paid work for everyone at your local cinema!
Teamsters affiliated!


Friday, October 03, 2003

I think little old ladies who generate disposable phone numbers at casino pokie machines should be paid out better. Three pokie machines can generate a disposable phone number such as this example, which is one in a billion billion:

rKgQbJ r10g9b8 r7g6b5 royal straight flush must be worth a few free talk minutes on a disposable mobile phone (the back of which is entirely a solar panel.)

Sonnet #18

Closed circuit cameras can't be denied:
A young shoplifter drifts to borstal crime;
A bermagot oil tester is wrist tried,
Then ambegris, then attar rose and lime.
A balm of Gildead in cut glass sublime -
Stuffed down her bra. Used testers...little risk...?
Cream soap and curlers are reshelved this time?
Can be a buzz to mentally flesh frisk
A thief so tender, young, po faced and brisk.
Then, she weighs a bubble bath green pottle -
Which under her skirt she's so quick to whisk.
I still don't know where truants get their bottle.
Store detective, a lipgloss brief I spied
Tucked in elastic of her pants' arseside.

{3D interactive chorus:}
o $10,000,000 spied.
o $10,000,000 noticed
o $10,000,000 observed

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]


Thursday, October 02, 2003

Sonnet #17 by FisherKingKQJ

You deride your husbands with a passion,
You powerdressing analytic sieves:
Fuming at glass ceilings is the fashion:
You howl options, bandy derivatives -
You talk down your help in the pit...what gives?
Your nanny charms him when he's full of rum.
Her eyes are large, blinking peridot gyves.
Her teeth are ametrine when smiling mum.
Her locks are one bob of teased platinum.
Her cheeks are two marble veined lintels.
Her wrists are pearls cross one another sum.
Her lips are sparkling, appetising spinel.
It's downtime you lose on her hourly rate.
Her own rich plans for maternal leave wait.

{3D interactive chorus:}

o $10,000,000 rate
o $10,000,000 charge
o $10,000,000 scale

[Autocube3 - for 3d interactive movies.]