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interactive movies

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #363

I praise you Satan from the final rung
As heaven beckons now you know the drill
You pull the ladder down your deeds unsung
I step on cloud the soul of force of will
I made up mangled acronym to bill
The fancy phrase to rub out laziness
In second language since I lacked in skill
To paedophiles I pitched term more yet less
I promised dunces drugs and sweet success
You skip the road to adult reading age
The school at home at doctors home address
The Sunday School its busy bible page
Id been a liar at heavens gates I grabbed
I lay on bed adying to priest I blabbed
Chorus grabbed clutched snatched

Sunday, June 23, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #362

Why do you always hanker after him?
You quit a job youre doing you run off quick
You hurry after him you risk a limb
Hes magical a modern maverick
I cant concede as loser not a lick
I guard your purse its lode of cards and bills
And make up kit the kleptomaniacs nick
They sashay by the slew of dancers mills
I guard your drink Im green around the gills
I breathe in deep to minimize a cough
I stare him down on point the pressure kills
He rolls his pretty boy eyes snorts to scoff
A little grudge against him now I nurse
Hed be okay his coffin lain to curse
Chorus nurse maintain tend 

kqj52 definition
mass illiteracy - right to privacy 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #361

At sea a yarn of yin and yang is wound
The rig of yacht in doldrums dangles sails
A melancholy mood takes hold around
The speed of zero speaks of epic fails
I cast a line at bimini tube rails
And you admit the motor mightnt start
I fear the fountain snorting orca whales
The big eyed squids of bottom feeder chart
Two pals are we though polarised apart
Theres joy and sorrow by turn over done
To one then other lolls the errant heart
The sadomasochism is morbid fun
The motor starts the yacht then chugs along
And we escape on whiff of diesel pong
Chorus along forth onward

Saturday, June 15, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #360

From lips I love I heard abusive bile
I deemed too difficult to understand
I shot at her quite dumb a silly smile
The whole time we walked we were hand in hand
Im lauded catch a beta male to land
The wished on word yes what I whine then nod
I sniff at sort of suitors however bland
As couples click they whisper were true cod
I wish I had as solid spine iron rod
Id savage her in measured whispered memes
The menstrual cycle swell the gradient plod
Alas I loathe all calculated schemes
The give and get of sarcasm seems okay
Im lost in love I want to make it pay
Chorus okay fine proper

Friday, June 14, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #359

A skinny soul in curls of yellow hair
On leash there sits a yellow labrador
I plonk on past on walking frame to fare
Id paint a pretty picture nab amor
I watch as she takes sip of soup du jour
Off shiny spoon I wait on coffee bill
I wonder should I join or just ignore?
I was a ladies man I leaned on skill
Your aphrodisiac is a potent pill
You keep them close youve sunk to second best
The modern ladies fussy hard to fill
Id fill a gap as senior special guest
The service dog aside I dig tourettes
I suffer ladies stuff as do their pets
Chorus tourettes tourettes tourettes

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #358

I stammer sarcasm he tames it too cute
I mean to resonate I miss the mark
It doesnt falsify I fail as brute
I haul up history to which I hark
I see in silly prank a creative spark
Exaggerated hug that causes hurt
Or sudden slap on back to leave in dark
Or gentle punch on shoulder pal alert
Our conversations compromises curt
I give you pinky part of double dare
The chilli sauce a squirt on shirt then skirt
In farce our go to gags are clumsy fare
I never lie theres facts I might omit
Though hes a little like that bars a bit
Chorus omit drop exclude

Sunday, June 09, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #357

We quash incontinence in paper pants
And play with plastic dolls and plushie bears
We toot toy trumpets just like elephants
The din a detriment to doctors ears
The handicap a mark in me appears
I carry one too many chromosomes
You drove too fast you suffered oversteers
They found your body bending fine tooth combs
We prowl at night we pilfer garden gnomes
They make us smile its simple moron fun
We store them safe we line up better homes
We do a social service said and done
Lobotomy unnecessary snip
The driver drunk in motor vehicle flip
Chorus snip cut dock

Thursday, June 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #356

Your letter leans on desk a book its prop
I read the words of love in looking glass
I cannot cry I fear I wouldnt stop
Theyve won the war its end of lad and lass
They burn our libraries and bide their mass
Our arab mirrored what they spell on scroll
Theyll keep us close yet cold as second class
Our right to privacy improves their goal
Through paddle salt Ill scry a hidden poll
I see through smoky glass the second sun
The suns at back their silhouettes black as coal
In mirrors left is right or right is left
As crypto semites well abridge that cleft
Chorus left port sinistral

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

interactve movies

Revised sonnet #355

Why do you strut well past your sell by date?
Immortal souls eschew tired skin you wear
To manifest themselves in classic state
Quit prison planet more themselves appear
Your mental monuments are fragments mere
Of cityscape its rise to ruin inclined
Theres parasitic mockery I swear
If cancer cells on veins are data mined
Your pace yields piezo spark you plonk to grind
Your soul ten volts in depths of dynamo
Your gut unearthed a prickly priceless find
Your moods are variable theyre high or low
Emotional adherence means youre stuck
In mundane stuff you suffer mired in muck
Chorus stuck caught fixed

Sunday, June 02, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #354

Youre back the village veteran of war
I want you beau again youve proved youre brave
Yes from afar you frighten me to core
You knights enlisted unalive and save
I wouldve wept if shown your open grave
Ambitious knights take heed of female mind
Id rather love you such than noble knave
Id sew a stitch in company too kind
Id like to have you here at screens aligned
The loops in castle walls as lenses cast
Inverted world there phony vampires find
You gaze on realm its panorama vast
Off garment rack inverted souls suspend
In lore of leeches love till happy end
Chorus suspend dangle hang

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #353

I got the girl quite wrong on second look
The judgement sabre like a little keen
I summoned her on single finger crook
Enough times she obeyed to nail the scene
I was the lesser man in what Id glean
I sussed there was a snobby mental list
Of candidates of alpha couldve been
I stood the second alpha male in gist
Id grab a hold of him and whack one wrist
I planned to frown till he eschewed the shame
I squirmed inside the shadow did exist
If he hurt her I fielded final blame
In aura alpha widow worth the wait
I hear her hint our scene as second rate
Chorus rest pause wait