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interactive movies

Saturday, December 31, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #235

I cry a lot Im not your kind of queer
I never fathom what you snidely say
Your bitchiness expressed in snort and jeer
I read your mind at best its borders gray
Our cosy flat a joy you cuss okay
At better looking bums you like to pause
I copycat your macho half the way
You suffer skin thin lesser peoples flaws
Your mental undermining overawes
You raise to drop you root to rile you rate to hate
You clue in clique of queers to common cause
I hum and ha I half arse emulate
Youll soon tire since Ive proven deadly dim
The bot I buy I help you diddle him
Chorus dim faint vague 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #234

Ive joined at last our clans eccentric aunt
The butt of gentle jokes Id never seen
I want to clap her quirks I know I cant
Her jeans a phony wreck of common gene
The knees torn read ironic nude yet keen
Teen girls unwrecked alert to world of woe
The thirtyish aunt though well on way has been
Has struck us cannibal the lowliest low
The furniture is new yet feels her blow
Her artifice to fray and rust till cool
The latest piece in phony vintage show
I like the vintage weather worn old school
I saw her wear a classic cocktail dress
A lapse in style her sop to sweet success
Chorus dress robe vestir

Sunday, December 25, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #233

Hes such a card to catch in chat and joke
He snickers when I add an anecdote
A latch of snooty fry to smoky croak
His gaze haze finds in mine two fools afloat
He pushes buttons mine Im prised off rote
He copies manners mine I cringe unlocked
I rub off rude he doesnt need to note
I feel his confidante Im meekly mocked
I liked to laugh there never matter blocked
He gave to me the plastic flowers as prank
I left him fizzy bottle new and knocked
I didnt know I loved him my heart sank
He twisted twice to me a chinese burn
I struck him proper pinky would he learn?
Chorus burn char scorch

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #232

Im Doctor Love I sigh you roar it riff
You whine Im posh Ive pockets profit lined
You holler hundred bucks an hour too stiff
I burble budget rate I bill too kind
Alas youve found yourself in double bind
Your wiggles sink you further down quick sand
Your pieces lost in zugzwang zone you find
Youve bowdlerised the boy till less than gland
I counsel broken hearts I come off bland
Im echo chamber like to pain in parse
You problem solver while Im helping hand
Revolving door of clients affront to farce
I find it funny when you act the only soul
You elevate the vacuous victim role
Chorus soul siel ziel

Tuesday, December 06, 2022


interactive movies

Revised sonnet #231

You neednt worry silly second sight
Its weak as hackles lightest love and hate
Opposing poles trap twin things wrong or right
Third eye takes equinox to solstice fate
The hunch youre here too soon or way too late
I wonder would I pass your previous wife
The multiverse appears to mitigate
I feel I know you from a previous life
Are good times shared or spoiled in social strife?
To scry I stare inside the crystal ball
I seethe at stormy seas or rip tides rife
I shiver if it isolates a squall
Your sparking ankles up to sparkling eyes
Are what I want electrical the highs
Chorus eyes je yeux

Thursday, December 01, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #230

If people find out finally Im fake
Ill have to humbly nod and quit their space
Ill weep away the solitary ache
In private quarters grieve at my own pace
The rounded rhetoric and stilted grace
The puffed up hair in silver combs and clips
The tartan blouse and skirt of frill and lace
The blushered cheeks and cherry painted lips
Then pantyhose just laddered knees to hips
Embarrass back end view I cant avoid
Ive scuffed the soles of shoes to stifle slips
I feel Ill freak a peep too paranoid
They stand too close to me I feel them breathe
In etiquette I qualify their seethe
Chorus breathe puste respirar