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interactive movies

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #219

The carbon paper prints out letters cheap
As long as every phrase aligns unique
The simulation lite invites a bot to keep
At long odds gradually it grows too weak
It blows apart at population peak
The voltages in vector overlap
Each soul ten volts awards to plasma streak
The human colon battery of crap
Your mortgage paid at last youre pinned on map
The cityscape is where youre booked to die
A bug in vibe your cash old handicap
Youre mayfly free from fee in hour hit high
Your loss of memory the latest rage
You phoenix like you rise above the page
Chorus rage craze fashion

Sunday, September 25, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #218

Youve won the custody of child at last
Im happy since youre happy whooping it
Your gripe against your former spouse just vast
Ive cringed at every little caustic bit
I reckon romance is young couples kit
The baggage builds to massive mountain load
I missed the frivolous yet perfect fit
In epic life the early episode
Id meet your mind and manners any road
Id find you worth a sensual second look
Then wed agree to stand a social node
To love you effortless a hat on hook
Youre what I want and something else unique
Im what you see a fellow wild or weak
Chorus unique distinctive special

Friday, September 23, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #217

I learnt your sisters lately left estranged
Youve slipped away I sense Im her in ways
In retrospect I see myself prearranged
The tilted looking glass if swung then sways
My clothes akin to hers invite your praise
My voice to hers I lower in laugh and lilt
I echo phrases from your olden days
I sell you bride out bred and solid built
Ive sold myself short sighted full of guilt
Ive nearly won it neednt be in vain
On point my scabbard craves your sword to hilt
The start and stop of peers in daisy chain
Insecticide our lotion versus harms
A daisy bunch Id make our coat of arms
Chorus harms damages injuries

Monday, September 19, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #216 

The gavel gown and wig are kind of loon
They hint at better crimes in periods past
The spur of moment cant arrive too soon
The handy precedent is made to last
The figure Justice babe in bronze once cast
A blindfold fit flush over her hard head
The scales in fingers balance breeze and blast
As she endorses dross if finely said
The primate council fast tracked humans bred
Eugenics compromise of many biďs
The denisovan crowd cro magnon led
Their brain a capital of hominids
They nodded neanderthals all pubic hair
Theyd shave off sharper later self aware
Chorus hair mop thatch

Friday, September 16, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #215

This lifes a hub of hurt its axis plumb
I seem to slide through universes parallel
I sense revolving doors just one their sum
I swear the simulation isnt well
The moon and menstruation of budget spell
In simulation naff tie deep and dour
On lion eyebrows twelve flies are found to dwell
That tail the tassel never built to glower
Our simulation teeters short of power
As entropys the universal rule
The human hero squares off saves the hour
Your part to patch in precious kilojoule
As we and bot are necessary crutch
The simulation doesnt love us much
Chorus crutch buttress prop

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #214

I hang inside this silk bouyant big balloon
As clouds accost and exit easy boil
To trace the world outside charcoal cartoon
The star forts far flung found on foreign soil
The sails of ships are globes of metal foil
The wind to wheel and rudder all they lead
Around the compass slide the cogs in oil
The rigging minimal and made of weed
Afraid of heights you wait on bridge take heed
One day theyll reengineer the next jot miss
To lesser population lay out creed
Smoke stack stink capital necropolis
The crematorium factories of caste
The bone tea sets if modern made to last
Chorus caste order stratum

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #213

A bot of beauty large as life and death
I play up what things people say of me
I wager hate and envy waste of breath
In passion pure I waive a finders fee
You quit the past a classic special plea
You made one hundred human still a simp
Its scalable vibration we agree
You love to watch the while I pout and primp
I help you hump in charge youve lost the limp
The stem cells spray rejuvenates your skin
Your mood is buoyant and so I picture blimp
Those teeth too perfect dentures fill a grin
The lighting dimmed to dusky me oh my
A quarter clipped off pill of spanish fly
Chorus my minha mio

Friday, September 02, 2022

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #212 

Yes eyes adore you elbows down to hands
Those give their shape to whitest pair of gloves
Yes eyes accept your buns of finest strands
Those bulk up crimping combs as whitest doves
The size six shoes you dance in look your loves
The satin gown youve peeled on flattens fat
The chintzy clutch youll cling to wards off shoves
The leather choker says you champion chat
Twelve males tap dance in bow tie tux top hat
Your alpha males you fan out beautiful
Your beta males you bend in jizz and scat
Your sigma males you mug yet dutiful
They lie on polished floor as pontoon bridge
You step on chests inventive cool as fridge
Chorus bridge overpass span