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Friday, October 27, 2017

Revised sonnet #1498

He plays too easy peasy what you please
He nods approval when I prance in zest
He reckons anywhere east wide of west
He buys me bling and shoes its beyond a breeze
The lanky lad I cornered swipe and squeeze
Demanded wriggle room I couldnt rest
The beefy boy I cornered cave and crest
Demanded breathing mask I couldnt ease
This chap I fathomed figured out the fee
He financed full a gorgeous gilded clutch
The best in window shopping should you see
Hire purchase stiff a stinging over much
His mode of lavishing his love I nod
His posture generous hes gorgeous god
Chorus nod agree concur

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Revised sonnet #1499

The five years wonderful I laugh and grin
Ill not obsessively observe and skew
Your constant company inspires win win
A heart to heart talk banishes booboo
I know your mothers name as next of kin
The oversized shirt into which you grew
The summer job you scooped and scraped a bin
The exes excellent your fickle few
Your favourite dessert is mocha mousse
You gargle after brushing flick teeth floss
Your undies boxers aerate light and loose
You polish patent leather shoes till gloss
Its verified I mind you very well
Ask folk from here how hard in love I fell
Chorus well complete entire

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Revised sonnet #1500

Im bullied lots Ive got the reddest locks
Kids catcall me a bloody gingernut
In paper water bombs I soak the butt
Im sad outsider ranked in social stocks
Its worse woe when a lesser ginger mocks
I freeze and automatic my eyes shut
Theyll pull at locks the feeling filling gut
Till rubbernecking sadists summon flocks
The auburn babe of bandy legs lands slap
The copper babe of stubby legs lands punch
The russet babe of lanky legs lands rap
Theyll straddle me on soil till panties bunch
St Judas patron saint of disparate
Your name I cry if down and desperate
Chorus disparate forked variant

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Revised sonnet #1501

Ill wear two wipes of shadow less as more
A tight tank top and faded part torn jeans
Ill document the farmers market scenes
In coffee breaks awake to pickers lore
I love you kind of not to very core
Our kind of couple squirms its modest means
To petulance and brilliant bicker leans
A monied marriage beckons future fore
A widow aunt told me young folk are peers
Youre better matched in love to same age man
You pack your punnets gap year where you can
A latitude of summer sweat stink squares
We bundled straw the while white sunshine blazed
And sipped at night that cider jar or lazed
Chorus blazed parched scorched

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Revised sonnet #1502

One year on you insist Im very well
I measure moments just enough to jot
I memorise else your allusive lot
Estranged I wonder what events I quell
And you insist Im such a shut in shell
Its scarcely stretch to call that idle blot
As you deduce a silhouette stuff Im not
Id rather rendered be in parallel
Its far from favourite the basic blue
I gravitate to darkest indigo
Its far from favourite the ocean view
I gravitate to scape of mountain snow
In proxy youre in love fine fit affect
Its moxy mine to flinch away effect
Chorus affect carry wear

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Revised sonnet #1503

A property doom prophets open plea
The fundings far too scant to spread around
Expanding universe a meme unsound
Theyll find a puny plot and charge a fee
A house and picket fence is apogee
The first time buyer immensely mortgage bound
A solid sort in stamp of common ground
A credit worthy worker wise eyes see
Yet man is hydrocarbons simply soot
In water bladders planet earth a crock
A curving crust upon a liquid rock
Earth battery is he on foot and foot
And from his eyes emerge the sparks of life
Bioluminescent white and rapid rife
Chorus life lebn liv

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Revised sonnet #1504

I value much our weekend rendez vous
Employ assigning segregated lives
The overlap of shifts slight still I rue
As one escapes the other one arrives
Aeons since in pair I sought out something new
Its droll that commonality yet dives
A hobby his the barreling of brew
A hobby mine the sharpening of knives
The niceness doesnt quite engage enough
The peace of less is socially inept
I want our fancied friendliness off swept
Were weary wary silent how Id huff
The stress of silence daily doubles pain
If he expressed a pain Id grouch again
Chorus pain ache hurt

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Revised sonnet #1505

Youre never far away the foreign quirk
Ive fought and lost afforded cradling arms
Im mesmerized in watching ways you work
Your sentences seem sweetest smoothest balms
Theres nil repressed inside your pressing palms
Your eyes are loving nil aspersions lurk
They gently linger long away then jerk
Your laugh is lyrical its candour calms
Youve left on sofas many stranded hairs
I wonder whether its a modest moult
In multiverse a fancied minor fault
Immortalised you countless spares in lairs
Your video image is as moving anywhere
As lemon scent arrear your either ear
Chorus anywhere ergest overal