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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Revised sonnet #1575

As if a greyhound sprinting muzzled mute
In chase I finish seeming ennervate
Is memory enough a moving bait?
I feel desire accursedly acute
I wished her simpler life on nonce a newt
Our cyber serfs observed a parlous state
A funeral hers booked she showed up late
A cancer claimed a kidney took its root
We fared a faithful couple through and through
We sampled cyber serfs a sexy crew
As brittle bones abridged our kinky play
As manners couldnt win or lose just allay
A year successive still shes never aced
As cyber serfs are friends and poker faced
Chorus aced beaten outclassed

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Revised sonnet #1576

He volunteered true tales involving her
I was default the tuned ear every rate
His boozing pal in pubs I might concur
She seemed a beauty big boys celebrate
A lovely female form Id full infer
Shed often rhumba sing and roller skate
He felt in frankness fair shed sweetly err
She ever ran her rote a little late
I felt infatuated entirety moved
He spun out episode on episode
She could come close just milling busy road
She might exist it mightnt play disproved
She was a goddess gauche all those things true
He wouldnt fib as girls all good are few
Chorus true honest veritable

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Revised sonnet #1577

I guessed youd gang up gung ho gather gall
And me flame friendly foe in fierce bow fire
Between you two I hedge insane desire
I thrive on girlish disingenuous thrall
I see you hold him hard in mall or stall
He leads you love drunk his eyes admire
You publicly in private things are dire
I sense you sob I sense a smack of wall
He stays aloof a minute too too long
Unloading fine you near a fawning me
Hes flicked far from you then hes weak and strong
A saintly saboteur whos sprung you free
Its naive Ive nourished nice you valued cheap
You grope at gist of me I sense down deep
Chorus cheap budget economy

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Revised sonnet #1578

I stood seen soft one whod won her over
Yet battle cry and booty couldnt be denied
I left alone a beautiful young bride
Stone still stuck on wave washed cliffs of Fover
Since successive squadrons stark in stover
Stern steed stuck under me a reigned in ride
I swore that shield and sword to Kull allied
Stiff steel suit wore I its emblem plover
The coast of Qalestine saw such undoing
The Blue Knight wed to barren widow Nell
Hacked me off my horse so incensed in skewing
His poleaxe punctured plate pinged like a bell
Hes let me live lungs ruined Id rather die
Ill roam Kulls realm intently Talons spy
Chorus die cease perish

Monday, December 12, 2016

Revised sonnet #1579

I owe you dear its dear you dressed I thank
Our lovers trysts entirely out of view
Youve come a distance since street savvy skank
Your selfimprovement books are stolen new
You tease those thugs of lesser file and rank
A mobsters moll and more your gags are blue
You rope in parlour pals I spank and crank
You screw around a pole you wink and woo
You prance at pay per peek holes naughty peeps
A draught rends ripples down your pleated dress
A chiffon peekaboo blouse busboys bless
Invites in rosy shades male mental leaps
I love you cute I curse amnesia cruel
Your chiffon top torn beats a bowl of gruel
Chorus cruel harsh mean

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Revised sonnet #1579A

Young dingo butts that tucker chilly bin
On my ute deck its cane toad creamed in kegs
I reminisce a lick of Laurens legs
So smooth and shapely lightly tanned and thin
I smoke a brown snakes striking moulted skin
Organic prophylactic trapped on pegs
I bide a billabongs cracked clay dry dregs
And shrill voiced kookaburras call on kin
On Lauren shall I foist fresh fawning notes
Electric fences seem all notes and staves
As cattle ruminate on cuds and oats
I perch on par and heat and wind wend waves
I crave cooked kangaroo meat medium rare
And Lauren laughing not a worldly care
Chorus rare little scarce

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Revised sonnet #1580

Should good top banks up just to bail out bad?
Should luckless hearts unite in one tight knot?
Should pals writhe worried when their pals are had?
Should lovers lord turns by turn life long lot?
Should inner memes soar corporeally clad?
Should patience plaster labyrinthine plot?
Should meddling outsiders emerge more mad?
Should passion palliate after kids are got?
Arent points of view expressed all vapid vent?
Arent habits horrid homage hard to wipe?
Is mere subsistence hustled under hype?
Do champions laurels cover food and rent?
Again at dawn Ill quiz you further fore
Though fast asleep you sigh yet wont ignore
Chours fore leading prime