Win me again in love just choose to change
A separation can advance divorce
Your fits of fury seriously estrange
Your mumbled mockerys a murky source
Ive got dry elbows lately not a mange
You call it bitch and yet its only coarse
Youre perfect else the evils end of range
The nagging nabbing nought I fall on force
Im packing parts you never criticise
The shadow shelf that lends a bosom line
A lambent light that livens limpid eyes
The only cardigan agreed divine
Expansive pain of human spirit growth
In compromise invoked we could take oath
Chorus growth development flourish
Sunday, January 31, 2016
sonnet Win me again in
Friday, January 29, 2016
sonnet We walked along a
We walked along a lane of cherry trees
In bloom pink petals sensory delight
And dags of sheep infused a balmy breeze
And shriveled cattle pats lay left and right
A pollen allergy inspired your sneeze
We found at fence a post about waist height
We hopped atop a step stile high as knees
In field ahead chooks foraged free of flight
I bent you backward on a public bench
Its mould a fertile mark of mother earth
I ground engorged your gash invited girth
A swift spring shower at ready promised drench
A torrid quickie tourists far from scene
In light of elements of clouds is clean
Chorus scene location vista
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
sonnet Ive never fancied fussy
Ive never fancied fussy ladies much
A surge and who was willing filled a kink
Unlesioned loins in lust large lithely link
In alleys restrooms cinemas and such
I did endure a brag or blab Id blink
I feigned amusement fondled out of touch
Id flatter flaccidly Id come off crutch
Id crave a swig of gin and tonic drink
A maskers life is frankly fake full face
I roll a rubber conk on mine and see
I knot its nape up nice with nylon lace
I settle ladylike and pipe out pee
Avoided by queers trannies bis and dykes
Im leveled lazy half arse open mics
Chorus dykes lesbians tribade
Monday, January 25, 2016
sonnet Hed courted me a
Hed courted me a month Id sensed it wrong
Hed followed me hed laid out wraps of flowers
Hed flattered me a lot I squared as strong
And clever kind and cute at peak of powers
Once married man he gave off ghastly glowers
He countered comments previous loud and long
A laugh of mine hed praised a lode of lours
A scent of mine hed praised a pithy pong
I backed him even more I nursed his need
I pranced in sexier clothes or better style
He savaged it as latest vogue and vile
I felt fierce pain I nearly burst to bleed
Id always been a pushover theyd lean
I wrought divorce defeated quick and clean
Chorus lean incline tilt
Sunday, January 24, 2016
sonnet You echoed anything I
You echoed anything I said what sway
I raked a tress arrear a readied ear
Closecropped yourself you mimicked not okay
You raked at air uneerie full of fear
You swore yourself as changed as model clay
Of own accord you didnt change or veer
You feared youd damage me youd best allay
I could expect a month it might appear
Your outer self is generous in strait
You give up time you help out other folk
What drew me first of late looms like an oak
I guess at nuisances you quietly hate
I scarcely see you my old buddy bet
I languish last on list your safety net
Chorus bet hazard punt
Friday, January 22, 2016
sonnet It shouldve struck incited
It shouldve struck incited straight at start
I shouldve propagated you the pain
Of pains in life I knew nought naive and vain
Instead I caught a sharp edge little art
You dither dawdle dodge your deep eyes dart
You cling to childhood hurt exclusive bane
You ape the perfect man I meant to gain
You force inferior fun you know inane
I gave off modesty and gentleness
I granted clemency and droll endured
And still you sinned I reckoned wrong you cured
You sulked in dearth you certified a mess
Three days I kept mute my amazing voice
I let in laughter penance paid your choice
Chorus voice voce voix
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
sonnet So sad I swam
So sad I swam inside a gold fish bowl
Excuses she squeaked selfish made me sore
I cried as sex was analysed a chore
Agreed as moot on tap what rigmarole
As she approved of honesty Id pour
Out my hurt heart and hedonism extol
Id blurt on out escape a grounded goal
Id cuss at rag day rage Id stick an oar
I got a gold fish prize pet called it quits
I crush in crumb on crumb on crumb on crumb
And she hauls her big belly nice and numb
Along bowl bottom gorgeous gorging grits
She mouths at me a silent simple kiss
I pucker my own lips in love zip amiss
Chorus kiss kus kysse
Thursday, January 14, 2016
sonnet As poverty appeared a
As poverty appeared a constant curse
In her young life I thought Id tolerate
A credit card we shared Id just reimburse
A spending spree invoked her happy state
A credit card enjoys insidious rate
Its stuck in her doe skin designer purse
And interest and penalties of late
Would sink us click us stiffs inside a hearse
I still stop short of calling this a drug
I deem it dodgy habit lighter vein
Withdrawals are overdrawn as sensual pain
Id never hang a price on kiss or hug
I say her smiles are worth a million bucks
The dozen dresses calibrate the crux
Chorus bucks clams dollars
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
sonnet I feel irrational Im
I feel irrational Im flush in guilt
Afraid of hurting him immensely more
I feel he doesnt fancy me at core
As partner so I worry weep and wilt
I fear his failures first I table tilt
I rally recognition put him fore
I clap I cheer I champion chant or roar
I swiftly sponge away a beer hes spilt
I feel I fear he isnt error prone
Its not enough annoyance to truly nix
Identifying as one a frothy mix
His geegees are a bore I fear Ill groan
A mirror me indulges temple stress
A trigger finger foraging a tress
Chorus stress anxiety hassle
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
sonnet I feel alone around
I feel alone around him a knotty nought
Ive got the pals the kids the parents plumb
Ive got the yoga pose the yantra dumb
Im glad I got the goodies which I ought
I miss the mess that poverty we sought
I miss the olden days the student slum
And being immersed and mused a busy chum
I miss him the most the fun he brought
We nattered hour on hour we fossicked facts
We snuggled safe a sage exclusive pair
We fought off bedbugs blamed our cubby lair
We quoted future fun and fiscal acts
Ive been a whinger whereas youre a dear
Im pleased that you refuse to interfere
Chorus dear honey sweetheart
Friday, January 08, 2016
sonnet It was an error
It was an error when I married him
I was too weak to offer up a no
I was a mess of moods in memes aswim
I was a worry warts wrapped whole in woe
On my fresh freckled face a fevered vim
I felt a constantly embarrassed glow
I varied sun bleach blonde bright dirt blonde dim
I fixed a head of hair in flawless floe
And he endured the dozy fads and acts
I wasnt panned or mindlessly approved
I erred I learnt and his loyal love it moved
It was immediate mild in face of facts
Ive changed and cropped a lass in looking glass
He has invested faith I freely pass
Chorus glass glas glaz
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
sonnet I sense Ive come
I sense Ive come off callow blaming her
In woe I weep I wallow lolling low
I answer her enough all she need know
I dont involve her heart it does occur
Identity sustained aside sticks spur
My pals and hobbies prioritised I vow
Yes bossy bitch default in angels glow
As she now nags and niggling says I err
See she sews knits and cooks as chicks untold
Of yore and perseveres in patient charm
And doesnt speculate on real estate
She cant climb over folk she keeps a qualm
I love as first I did a stranger neat
I gave all earth away so wed just meet
Chorus neat orderly trim
Monday, January 04, 2016
sonnet You mustve noticed that
You mustve noticed that Im not all there
Im absent present poor embodiment
Of lovers dedication ere on ere
In past absorbed remembered feelings pent
Im ever late when we meet anywhere
You know a bit about its precedent
I fear your judgement trapped in now and here
Your niggling dominance I do resent
You sound out minds aloud it simmers ire
You interrupt a sentence then complete
All parlour tricks Id rather not acquire
I smile your stare away a tortuous feat
I compliment you yet you shrug off good
I feel alone you mine more than I should
Chorus good proper right
Friday, January 01, 2016
sonnet The city labyrinth inside
The city labyrinth inside a maze
A hum at hub attends the tendril tower
A pulsing satellite swirls solar power
Its jelly fish form full of gentle blaze
We walk encrypted streets a zephyr plays
Perpetually and optic fibres flower
Our kisses candy slightly sweet and sour
Our whispers ice our giant eyes gawk and glaze
And people pass on motorways in carts
And cars as if on reeling bucket bands
At gradual speeds engrossed in poker hands
And doctored liquors mending body parts
We walk along the lanes on city walls
The elevating masonry of malls
Chorus wall barrier palisade