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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Revised sonnet #1575

As if a greyhound sprinting muzzled mute
In chase I finish seeming ennervate
Is memory enough a moving bait?
I feel desire accursedly acute
I wished her simpler life on nonce a newt
Our cyber serfs observed a parlous state
A funeral hers booked she showed up late
A cancer claimed a kidney took its root
We fared a faithful couple through and through
We sampled cyber serfs a sexy crew
As brittle bones abridged our kinky play
As manners couldnt win or lose just allay
A year successive still shes never aced
As cyber serfs are friends and poker faced
Chorus aced beaten outclassed

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Revised sonnet #1576

He volunteered true tales involving her
I was default the tuned ear every rate
His boozing pal in pubs I might concur
She seemed a beauty big boys celebrate
A lovely female form Id full infer
Shed often rhumba sing and roller skate
He felt in frankness fair shed sweetly err
She ever ran her rote a little late
I felt infatuated entirety moved
He spun out episode on episode
She could come close just milling busy road
She might exist it mightnt play disproved
She was a goddess gauche all those things true
He wouldnt fib as girls all good are few
Chorus true honest veritable

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Revised sonnet #1577

I guessed youd gang up gung ho gather gall
And me flame friendly foe in fierce bow fire
Between you two I hedge insane desire
I thrive on girlish disingenuous thrall
I see you hold him hard in mall or stall
He leads you love drunk his eyes admire
You publicly in private things are dire
I sense you sob I sense a smack of wall
He stays aloof a minute too too long
Unloading fine you near a fawning me
Hes flicked far from you then hes weak and strong
A saintly saboteur whos sprung you free
Its naive Ive nourished nice you valued cheap
You grope at gist of me I sense down deep
Chorus cheap budget economy

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Revised sonnet #1578

I stood seen soft one whod won her over
Yet battle cry and booty couldnt be denied
I left alone a beautiful young bride
Stone still stuck on wave washed cliffs of Fover
Since successive squadrons stark in stover
Stern steed stuck under me a reigned in ride
I swore that shield and sword to Kull allied
Stiff steel suit wore I its emblem plover
The coast of Qalestine saw such undoing
The Blue Knight wed to barren widow Nell
Hacked me off my horse so incensed in skewing
His poleaxe punctured plate pinged like a bell
Hes let me live lungs ruined Id rather die
Ill roam Kulls realm intently Talons spy
Chorus die cease perish

Monday, December 12, 2016

Revised sonnet #1579

I owe you dear its dear you dressed I thank
Our lovers trysts entirely out of view
Youve come a distance since street savvy skank
Your selfimprovement books are stolen new
You tease those thugs of lesser file and rank
A mobsters moll and more your gags are blue
You rope in parlour pals I spank and crank
You screw around a pole you wink and woo
You prance at pay per peek holes naughty peeps
A draught rends ripples down your pleated dress
A chiffon peekaboo blouse busboys bless
Invites in rosy shades male mental leaps
I love you cute I curse amnesia cruel
Your chiffon top torn beats a bowl of gruel
Chorus cruel harsh mean

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Revised sonnet #1579A

Young dingo butts that tucker chilly bin
On my ute deck its cane toad creamed in kegs
I reminisce a lick of Laurens legs
So smooth and shapely lightly tanned and thin
I smoke a brown snakes striking moulted skin
Organic prophylactic trapped on pegs
I bide a billabongs cracked clay dry dregs
And shrill voiced kookaburras call on kin
On Lauren shall I foist fresh fawning notes
Electric fences seem all notes and staves
As cattle ruminate on cuds and oats
I perch on par and heat and wind wend waves
I crave cooked kangaroo meat medium rare
And Lauren laughing not a worldly care
Chorus rare little scarce

Saturday, December 03, 2016

Revised sonnet #1580

Should good top banks up just to bail out bad?
Should luckless hearts unite in one tight knot?
Should pals writhe worried when their pals are had?
Should lovers lord turns by turn life long lot?
Should inner memes soar corporeally clad?
Should patience plaster labyrinthine plot?
Should meddling outsiders emerge more mad?
Should passion palliate after kids are got?
Arent points of view expressed all vapid vent?
Arent habits horrid homage hard to wipe?
Is mere subsistence hustled under hype?
Do champions laurels cover food and rent?
Again at dawn Ill quiz you further fore
Though fast asleep you sigh yet wont ignore
Chours fore leading prime

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Revised sonnet #1581

Drag on dear whip on home Im out of whack
I feel far from fine both blood eyes bleary
Im less in cycling stamina I lack
I crave company and chitchat cheery
Railroad lift rose silent quick and eerie
The while you bounced aboard I knew the knack
I watched you yank your bicycle leery
Your helmet sat strapped snugly on your pack
I watch the train doors close and sigh in strain
The next train pulls in some time after dusk
Im so tired all that's left of me is husk
Ive disappointed poor you once again
Yes well escape to bliss in rural blocks
Void city buildings bollards grilles and locks
Chorus blocks chunks ingots

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Revised sonnet #1581A

He was a cool beachcombing larrikin
A sometime surfer manly mannequin
He dug out some salty cricket blazer
Rusty remnants two tang toasted tazer
And freshly armed and dressed he hoved hold up
A juror pinched his shorts and plastic cup
Bold bid he said juror jog flee fitter
Home base hit said juror thither titter
Five bailiffs furious were on justice bent
On camels they trekked till tall tattered tent
Beachcombing larrikin noosed bawled bingo
Animal control rod deadset dingo
Siesta savvy hour in reconnoiter
Snoozing surfer snoring left off loiter
Chorus reconnoiter probe scout

Monday, November 21, 2016

Revised sonnet #1583

I dreamt how Mars and Venus nicely met
Off ceiling strung exciting massive stones
Of magnetite tried magnetising yet
The plate steel statues polarised jumped bones
The wizard waved his wand at switches set
A granite gate ground open on their groans
Then sparks skipped from his amber amulet
We walked away on cresting clicks and moans
Then masked men wielding scalpels delved divine
They cut at lungs in my invaded chest
I caught their kirlian aura ringed and fine
In livor mortis coroners inquest
I came to lying in rows of ripened wheat
I mulled the worrisome times false forfeit
Chorus wheat weit weizen

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Revised sonnet #1584

In sculptured stone I sense the future bode
Its dusty paint is peeled or worn or shed
Earths mantle mining munted wont explode
The end of life and loves a meme to dread
Her girlish giggles genuine genes encode
Thats such a pretty face to which theyre wed
Tight features under silver strands are stowed
Her voice has pitched high fount of youth if read
Acquaintance just her curious kindness met
The pearly whites in smiles she surely owns
No sign of stoop or bow of shrinking bones
Injected genes and youth hers arent and yet
Stars spike skies sift substance drop dark dirt down
Aggregate momentous mantle hole crown
Chorus down lower nether

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Revised sonnet #1585

Mums shadow sharpens senses shows a vim
If hes saint sweet to me my stable rock
His history asserts our chances slim
Mum cross examines suitors stood in dock
My best pal clings on glamorously grim
And ushers us in echoes us en bloc
How her eye rims tears trap they over brim
Our gormless glances link yet rarely lock
And if his ex appears hes super sweet
As she says stuff inane or not near nice
He wont work loose he gives her good advice
Im tacked to tortuously thin cold conceit
High noon sun spare my love wayward wrangle
Mums stretched shadow minimise axe angle
Chorus wrangle corral muster

Friday, November 04, 2016

Revised sonnet #1586

You wont abandon coach take level looks
At shadows cast off castle keep and moat
At goatherds huddling goats and waving crooks
I wonder do you even give a groat?
The diamond queen aquiver sidles sooks
On board the barge in upper lock afloat
The diamond king ashiver ruffles rooks
In nether lock on board afloat the boat
I know its near the end of pestilence
The river waters clear approaching pure
Byebye to scabbed sores victims hit endure
I praise your patient sceptics reticence
Youre sweet and my substantial breath is hale
Mild mint youre safe so elevate your veil
Chorus hale robust vigorous

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Revised sonnet #1589

I watch as souls in slums stuck bid escape
Their knuckle dusters understanding find
I watch as souls in red tape squirm and jape
Their pockets deep might launch a lawyer in kind
I jabbered once as if a jackanape
And low in luck the lazy bones aligned
Id smirk and clap and cower and bow and gape
To back out from informal social bind
The folk Id like to patiently impress
Have passed in sleep in simple peace of age
The folk Id sold short since start seen still less
Embroider my dreams express the purest rage
Im stuck in stuff thats sad my fault or not
I guess and grope at good and bad my plot
Chorus not nein nyet

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Revised sonnet #1590

And if he didnt call me clock time due
Id fall apart in sobs dissolve hack hair
And if he didnt buy me blossoms new
Once weekly wild Id stick the cat a scare
And if he didnt meet my mood and rue
Id curl up quarantined no part of pair
And if he didnt nod my voguish view
Id cuss in low tones cut him quick no care
Thats when I acted hugely hard to get
I lost a love of consequence all mine
Id feigned disinterest no real design
And baffled busy just to sieve and vet
Weeks went I learnt hed lavished lots and lots
He opted out perplexed if joining dots
Chorus lots heaps piles

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Revised sonnet #1591

At winters noon that sun burns my pale skin
As if its dawn on any summers day
The spark in your eyes looks to speak win win
It hints at happiness at heavens lay
I wait on your pursed lips on your great grin
A heart beats quicker when claimed okay
The whole worlds wonderful then drained of din
Id swoon and die if you just walked away
Breath clouds join clouds of mist on winter night
Dreaded darkness drapes dear Rose dead ringer
Numbness nags fraught fracture my first finger
Its light pink heal mark frostbite blight rasped right
Breeze burnt my lips pout proud yet lips yours yearn
In sinking shadows kind eyes latch and learn
Chorus yearn crave desire

Friday, October 21, 2016

Revised sonnet #1593

It pleases now Ive caught you longest last
Id gotten grumpy nuzzling choosy chicks
I miss the prepubescent perfect picks
As adult metrics follow money caste
You peer past petrified and problem past
To future fun your chitchat only flicks
In care of kids is where you get your kicks
Your valiant aura positively vast
You waive a mask expecting realists reach
You skip your mum and dad your suitor screen
Your rituals rule you knit iron cook and clean
I like that lots I promise not to leech
You sigh at hindsight simplified and freak
The thinnest thread of gold is surely chic
Chorus freak peculiar strange

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Revised sonnet #1594

A perfect man has courted me yet who
Installed him guest I guess Ill never know
All stuff I feel affects to loving so
To speculate on well wish seems taboo
I search that shield of steel its sky of blue
The mascot plover swooping high to low
I feel in my cheeks climb a rosy glow
I wonder what he sieves in visor view
Through luscious arbours well sigh stroll and scope
And well incline on oak tree surface roots
And well suck soft sun speckled forest fruits
And well hug musing mute and never mope
A water well waits were on wary way
I wonder will wild wish well into play
Chorus way path road

Friday, October 14, 2016

Revised sonnet #1595e

I played against the sharpest card the One
To win the tightest trick and save my face
Though quite aware he was a wizard ace
I was in luck as well as love undone
I saw him lined and weary flinch from fun
His girl a decade younger steeped in grace
Just quickly combed his locks of grey in place
The while my wretched change of life begun
I saw him later young at stem cell ease
His locks black wholly fixed his face unlined
His girl two decades younger dipped in kind
The while my walking frame helped hips halt freeze
The first read highly strung a social switch
The next read lowly strung a perfect pitch
Chorus switch incarnation replacement

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Revised sonnet #1597

I dated bored that spring the blooms in grime
His motives murky much as mine I own
I liked his mannerisms he slinked sublime
He mentored me when we were left alone
Our chitchat pause and overlapping chime
Our fervent busy buzzes phone to phone
In mirrors sold us partners pitched our mime
We didnt dither dumb we freaked high flown
I braved the second date to break it off
I feared Id fall in love with flesh and hurt
Right now I was a fatuous female flirt
On my slate steps he paused he cupped a cough
Or so it seemed as my eyes quickly shut
His lips hot held hard mine I gorged on glut
Chorus shut blinded closed

Friday, October 07, 2016

Revised sonnet #1598

Lady Looking Glass were lolling leery
Grant gigantic fancies one pinch of salt
Duke Kulls mirrors flummox falsifying fault
Or reflecting nought prove plaques plain eerie
Sobs subside we sorry slaves are weary
Sweet silver cup concoctions give a jolt
Fortified fresh from a private vials vault
Perry poured perhaps we dare not query
Hoards have abandoned principles and flee
Ahead of Talons soldiers stomping stroll
From fjords and mounts mad mammas bleat one plea
Claim kids crave crusty bread and butter dole
Trust tough Baron Talon melancholic
He moulds mist and mirrors parabolic
Chorus melancholic glum sad

Monday, October 03, 2016

Revised sonnet #1599

I owe you oodles cite the daunting debt
You poured in vials fetched from a cedar cask
Your viper venom clotted gashes red and jet
You soaked the stain with spirit from a flask
Ive summoned strength in spades not all Ill let
The clued up spies who summer sun baked bask
All martial men at Talons standards met
Ill leave as sentries staunch in case you ask
Ill ride to battle by dawn down through Bole
With cavalry in camaraderie
Well dash Duke Kulls chicanery
The squad he sends at night on squeaky stroll
Ill shower you champion celebrate success
With rubies pearls and emeralds no less
Chorus success fortune triumph

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Revised sonnet #1600

You are my latest love you logged in last
It pains me so to say Im stay at home
A pile of papers crumbling what I comb
My head is heavy clues are scattered vast
A deadline looms large bye and bye its past
You dither while around the porch I roam
As we watch our birdbath bower blooms and gnome
A perfect storm of circumstance strikes fast
In woe we wallow worked up out of whack
Concerning worldly stuff ambiguous strife
Agenda hidden random cyber hack
The pressure groups the disenfranchised rife
I didnt want to write I craved crisp cash
Ill celebrate you darling dont damn rash
Chorus cash dinheiro numerario

Friday, September 23, 2016

Revised sonnet #1601

When darkness meets with sadness shadow clings
It blends things black both fortified and shrunk
In hair pins hitting flagstones seems soft sound hunk
A sword in scabbard hangs on hollow rings
When brightness meets with sadness glister stings
Its jewels are foil to genuinely paste junk
Enough to gratify a lass and lunk
Then love insensible some solace brings
Eyes search the distant dots of light in dark
Those fireflies supplement the moons shine
I spy some silhouettes soon they disembark
The silver mirrors sort whats meant as mine
And so with stealth in rays of ambient light
A nobles guards post change and owls take flight
Chorus light aura glow

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Revised sonnet #1602

Youre not the cute chick whom I see I deem
The figure eight a female full of fun
The dimples quote unquote of smiles of sun
Encapsulate a still unspoken meme
Youre sparks of nerve ends staring ionic gleam
Youre length and width in hairs thats next to none
Youre waterproof yet waterlog all one
Youre skin and bones shed slowly scales till ream
The oozing glands and guts are lost in squirms
Fine fat foul fat good germs gross germs gel grid
If genes impress a virus just affirms
Exclusive soul Im guessing where you hid
Youre what you eat a pinch of proteonome
Youre nano notions gorgeous ghost genome
Chorus proteonome factory mill

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Revised sonnet #1603

There you fare flaring nostrils flexing air
On brink of seeing through me and drawing a blank
A sniffing snub supplies the lowliest rank
I know you nice Im wont to curry care
Then after satin shimmering I stare
The seemly seams Ive stroked on either flank
As wind weaves your hair fibres fine and lank
I sift things you once said so self aware
A rotten bishop pins it all on pawns?
A pawn in zugzwang zigzags zones way worse?
The move it rule is courtesy or curse?
Is stalemate match or munt of dusks and dawns?
Fretful fun you fascinate and foment
Im afraid youll quell quick any moment
Chorus foment motivate stir

Friday, September 09, 2016

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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Revised sonnet #1605

I felt in heaven blessed by bonds to her
They featured focus fervour flair and fun
I felt as fiancee love life had begun
If few too few friends on this would concur
Id catch cruel cusses should I ever err
If vis a vis I copied her I won
I was too nice to end it sharp and shun
Id self efface and shed at once aver
I claimed I could address unhealthy doubts
I went to hold her vividly veined wrists
As her eyes welled tears up I pondered schists
Then my own plump lips locked on pensive pouts
So she endorsed all my mimetic charms
And nestled nice I moored in avid arms
Chorus charms spells allures

Monday, September 05, 2016

Revised sonnet #1606

I walked about a wayward wood work shop
The fir veneer a counterfeit at best
It was a place to plane and glue and lop
A barber surgeon might there custom wrest
In Marcus Crassus error margin crop
A decimation heats hot his high quest
Resolve of soldiers swings a fear of flop
Applies to countless crucifixions zest
If snitches say you'll never beat the boss
A bloodbath is postponed the silver cheap
A sentinels imaginative leap
Suspends the coup assures a shoddy cross
I've counted crooks whore crucified on nods
And winks in waking dream aware of odds
Chorus nods bows ducks

Friday, September 02, 2016

Revised sonnet #1607

As your mums furnished you the facts of life
My daughter learn the facts of life off dad
I know teen years are full of soulless strife
As hormone rushes roughen heartache add
Whole worlds irrational a fizzling fad
I live to look at you as some blokes wife
Acknowledged no appendage played by cad
And no hurt hostage madmans hand on knife
Were not fun fine friends fresh summer season
Wed rather love if distanced nearby dwell
We shant sabotage you roaring reason
There isn't going to sound a heckling hell
As rules are rules what you want we wont fuss
Achieve that you propose and cite less of us
Chorus fuss ado clamour

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Revised sonnet #1608

I dreamt you near the altar dodged in doze
Unsound of mind awoke a minute late
The feelings funny flooded any rate
I nearly caved in fodder fed to foes
A marriage licence hints at ways to close
Out stroppy suitors from the chapel gate
In league in laws those who just ennervate
And cosy couples beyond immediate woes
I fear your faithful face fit under veil
Those blinking big eyes surely stare in space
As pretty girls evolve through food and grace
In darker locks and deeper features hale
The best man made me mull it couldnt stop
That wedding was one minute from a flop
Chorus stop end halt

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Revised sonnet #1609

I watch whom she assails this snooty bitch
Aware too well of her own lovely looks
Yes she arouses rending sneers and snooks
They seem to scratch momentously my itch
That soothing smile is just a silent pitch
As she adds come on over finger crooks
I'm very past the cuddly curves and nooks
I covet her the only hidden hitch
I would trap her mine might my arms treasure
The friendly female foster fervour felt
Mute her murmuring make mild her measure
Embrace on casual kisses closely dealt
As he and she stroll sure I quake to sob
Since she's the one in million milling mob
Chorus sob cry weep

Friday, August 19, 2016

Revised sonnet #1610

You stand as never was you wouldve been
Just beyond our homely house the bungalow
You squiggle words on giggle based touch screen
You fancy skipping round on finger flow
If primping pensive raven hair in preen
On cuddling captive baby face aglow
Youre all to me the loving gift the golden mean
The living lump of art thus gods I owe
I stroke strands off eyes yours sweep their place
Around your cheeks and straighten stocking line
Zip up your poplin dress the pleasure mine
I straighten up your collar kiss your face
You being you bidding days of joy bye bye
Air brush touch ups of pictures eye to eye
Chorus byebye adieu farewell

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Revised sonnet #1611

I perch upon a white quilt covered bed
You curl across a white throw covered couch
You like to whinge whereas I like to grouch
How has the honeymoon to this tie led?
I mightve seen it had I mapped ahead
Id swotted coupledom I was no slouch
That pain expected would end voiced its ouch
That compromise can come to newly wed
I rub a wedding ring of platinum
You pass for parceled atoms wrapped in germs
I pray for patience shown then dodder dumb
You hold off hugs the cuddly woozy squirms
You mete a metaphysical sharp spark
Your ring to mine so sad if on the mark
Chorus spark flare twinkle

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Revised sonnet #1612

Im fleshed out best a working girls mean mate
I buy tarts cups of coffee close on five
Or sunrise right afore the cops arrive
The payoff kisses licks of balding pate
One day I hit on Bitch in sombre state
Her pickup line just one word laughed to drive
Me dozy homo but I didnt skive
I pumped at her inspired to mitigate
One day I hit on Cheeky Chick odd luck
Her pickup line just one word laughed to poke
Me dizzy loser but I didnt chuck
I pumped at her inspired till she wind broke
Those saucy robots babbling field their faults
I praise their putoff pickup lines nil schmaltz
Chorus faults blemishes defects

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Revised sonnet #1613

Ask homo how might pain and pleasure be
Mood swings mine channel higher my caustic cause
Im robot Bitch I urge no prudent pause
My services are straight up sugar free
If sitting neat and nice upon your knee
I sneer my set of slag off files of flaws
Effeminate you are in natures laws
You stiffen stung my white teeth heeheehee
You angle undersized my curvy arse
You stroke my swell of bust my slice of slot
You plunge I pinch it twists your tummy knot
You closet straight men ever fashion farce
You wear ribbed rubber spartan double bind
My groin dispenses ointment when I grind
Chorus bind trim wrap

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Revised sonnet #1614

Im blinking childish claim me Cheeky Chick
A robot belle you fancy if all else fails
My fingers sniggers stifle rubber veils
I snort you loser did you call in sick?
My tummy tickle teases turn the trick
Youll slip out winded chuffed yet chug off rails
Ill stick you back in sniffing loser bails
Youre sort of cute and hardly whom Id pick
No drawstring doll a saucy cream of kind
Ill stick my tongue out first next cock a snook
Youll pump and puff Ill fart hips on hind
Ill blow big bubblegum bored browse a book
Just as youve pinned me on grunts Ill giggle
Youll whip wayward out on coming wriggle
Chorus giggle chortle titter

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Revised sonnet #1615

I had thought naively nothing needless hurt
I copped a knock and hit a karmic snag
I was aware of foe and felt time lag
My back against the wall I was on high alert
A friendly face youd fathom never flirt
A bubbly babe youd banter never nag
A savvy soul you'd silence never bag
You were a pal those times I was inert
Was wondrous fortune when I felt that fine
Youd levelled bows in spectrums parallel
The dark and heavy clouds abrupt decline
The world was drained of hate I couldnt quell
You showed me power in fear and power in doubt
A stiff resolve inside that toughs things out
Chorus doubt quandary scepticism

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Revised sonnet #1616

He doesnt know you dear I dreaming do
I know love lots it burgeons bright wellbeing
I feel such sparks surge down each nervous flue
And out of glaze of gaze your glance agreeing
Hes silver voiced and virile smiled a clue
His rivalry I seek in blinkered seeing
Your choice it is if down to point of view
You normally unflinching never fleeing
His mannerisms conceivably show sign
A rumour speaks of spouse a split apart
A liaison featuring two tarts stop start
His niceties match the many marked off mine
I dread he loves you slickly does his drill
My mien and clever mind amounting nil
Chorus drill method routine

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Revised sonnet #1617

I crave you back no awkward questions asked
Just answer me in tips attest well being
I shant expose young men you once were seeing
A guardian angels trouble shooting tasked
In beautys gaze Id often mutely basked
Mild minds ours meeting mutually agreeing
You shone pure like a star I stumbled fleeing
I couldn't stick a compromise unmasked
In every currency I can clack change
Old arrogance now loosens level lust
How sweetly safe is life if based on trust
How these nights niggle lonely long and strange
A list of former friends is fairly long
Please chitchat rain or ray rig right a wrong
Chorus long deep wide

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Revised sonnet #1618

Dear Cupid cancel quick a crazy crush
I aimed to practise kissing any bloke
They lingered long on lips mine here no joke
I liked it lots too barely kept that hush
I broke off baffled by that sizzling rush
Then he assailed he gave a gentle poke
All fueled a fervour sensuous cravings woke
My ears alert to flattery felt flush
I praise you since I've seen you smile askance
You glorify the guesses everyone
You calibrate eye candy flagrant fun
The blokes conceit a lucky circumstance
My lips proud pouted clenched eyes closed up right
I fell in love in faith from first delight
Chorus right firm snug

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Revised sonnet #1619

Id like to know now just where did you sneak?
My lookouts parried quick you left their place
My baby brother worked out a vulgar base
And struck you slumming it on passing peek
You shouted shots of gin to quiet your clique
Affected clown your chance to self efface
To peel off far from me with modest grace
You dressed in dowdy clothes the stretch unique
Well hows your saccharine sweet socialite?
Will she one day dare dredge your dressing down?
Was her mauve mufti last years must get gown?
Were candlesticks and dimmer switch up bright?
Youll both toast me youll clink your coke and rum
That once in stolen hour Id guess near glum
Chorus rum vodka whiskey

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Revised sonnet #1620

I'm living proof of how things wrongly read
Eventuate fine at first you may just fall
In love on strong impressions little said
Assumptions stick they're hard to overhaul
At social dos and donts to which Im lead
I hold her coat or cap or gloves or shawl
I praise a great girl next door dolled drop dead
And womanisers weeds and wags watch all
As she strides into empty eerie rooms
As she strides into such a busy crowd
It undermines me maddened but I'm proud
Of her the safety valve as she assumes
I'll drop drunk on our wobbling waterbed
And draw this girl in spite of swollen head
Chorus bed couch divan

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Revised sonnet #1621

Wound arm in arm us amorous I'll kiss
On kiss lush lips eyes shut and cancel lips
When he responds I'll lay on ear rim nips
Add fleet tongue flicks ebullient brilliant bliss
Ill hug and huddle him home all there is
Undo silk shirt white buttons pearly pips
Ill finger seams against his horn hard hips
Hell palm pink blouse my muslin nought remiss
We slinked a gangplank plonked on daddys yacht
Waved at private party pier gazebo
Our bye bye he stood such sweet placebo
I him held mine all weighed we hit a knot
I cood and claimed on him each itty-bit
He shrugged off baby talk the silly skit
Chorush bits fragments scraps

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Revised sonnet #1622

Though I've emerged the man I aimed to be
And stumbled stumbling blocks and paid the dues
The past and present segue they gnaw at me
They set off sleepless nights they don't amuse
I cut you short unsure I forced you free
I wasn't one you'd ever freely choose
I wasnt one who'd stir your girlish glee
You underlined my many valid views
I proffered subtle hints I saw you scram
I put a frame around the fatal fault
A flighty mindless mug I couldn't moult
Your dainty raps and slaps that gave a damn
Awake all night I miss your soothing words
And wait on dawn that bidding call of birds
Chorus words phrases syllables

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Revised sonnet #1623

Contrarian shell shun pigeon hole or box
Shell take a tangent line and twist a fate
Shell plunge in plangent then alleviate
She sympathises sore she soon just mocks
I love her style her knee high stocking socks
The backless blouses beads and eyes hold straight
The retro chic of berets dipped of late
I praise she shrugs she says they're rough as rocks
And if I say how sad she seems she'll smile
And say no far off from the simple truth
And then extend me her giggling guile
Or punch my shoulder softly sham uncouth
She warms when close or far off winks a blink
I'll draw her true the dots all virtual link
Chorus blink flutter tremor

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Revised sonnet #1624

They sniff at our being young yell you're unfit
True love talk practical and hurdle wise
They didn't stop to spot us portrait size
They fired at us concerns wed first admit
A globe grinds green it loses grime and grit
The nuclear family of little lies
Is what we watch whacked down to atomise
Today's divorce incentives come in kit
In love well last at least one century
In health in sickness streaming each stem cell
Through peaks of fortune vales of penury
In megalopolis well love well dwell
Ingeniously though we rig right their wrong
The future looks like ours stands strung along
Chorus wrong error fault

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Revised sonnet #1625

I bit my lip you slapped your boy he cussed
My kissing cousin did I dig the drill
You stormed away to trounce and sob and chill
It showed you less involved in level lust
A lovers spat about a share I've sussed
My smiles hold sway a pax of sorts instil
My squeezed heart suffers silently your will
What would you unify what would you bust?
You are away he grabs a chance to chat
You panic back in picture poke and plead
That I avoid him first next fault him flat
His faults as found are magnified indeed
I do regret our quickest kiss on lips
The forceful shake of his hand ginger grips
Chorus lips brims margins

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Revised sonnet #1626

They say that you're immature work a whim
They say that you're uncaring hurl a harm
Yet you're enchanting showing elective charm
As you pout passionate as you primp prim
As you act bravely bright or deadly dim
I field the subtle smiles or smirky smarm
And if you're lewd I set aside alarm
Tears joyous or sad in your eyes often brim
And your first fingernail if black stays strong
It grows to heal it drifts to ending edge
It's onyx accidental slammed as wrong
It hazards your engagement ring the hedge
Yes you're caught clumsy you afford a cuss
Thus you'll endure a fall flat face fresh fuss
Chorus cuss oath profanity

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Revised sonnet #1627

How time has lent my loves fine face fine lines
I dote as ever dozy join up dots
Her eyes once large and lucid linger jots
Her lips once solid seem crust crimp of tines
A studious stylist circles then inclines
I spy abundant paint invested knots
Of gold hair lost in clippings foil fold lots
Her gilded locks are lost my poor heart pines
My twenties still saw me building bones
My forties further floss made much appear
A second life assumed with zest in zones
Of back and brow and nose and either ear
I thought of death as doom I couldn't fight
I'll help her somehow shrug off death as blight
Chorus fight battle skirmish

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Revised sonnet #1628

I shouldve savoured moments so sublime
Youd captivate in fairness me at fault
A silence sensual memorised as mime
A rustling restless static ramped a jolt
I shuttle zone to zone and clime to clime
I wonder if youll wake up weep and bolt
One day endure no more in precious prime
And lonely frankly fed up phoning halt
Its dirty work the which I want to do
No other dirty work amuses me
A sales reps worries click an apogee
All weekends free I fetch you far too few
You know youve acted dutiful young wife
To fault assumed the wonderful new life
Chorus wife mate spouse

Friday, June 10, 2016

Revised sonnet #1629

I copped a slander shaped inside your style
Of how Ive driven questionable deeds
Your feral parrot sings and flaps and feeds
A prompted opportunist off one mile
The dodgy deal youve done I value vile
It draws my darker sentimental needs
To psychosomatic expression leads
A retch of stomach free of spew and bile
Your early days a dizzy whirlwind ride
Of future plays and cashouts maize in muck
The fall of riper friends you used as guide
Your lessons learned you leveraged your luck
I deal you friendly benefit of doubt
The wisest warning ease off else youre out
Chorus doubt incertitude muddle

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Revised sonnet #1630

She says were lass and lad or cheese and chalk
Excepting code of courtesy Id stalk
Shes sweetly clever cool and ever keen
Ill peep her from above at loopholes lean
She gives warmth out at will she glows with grace
It makes my mad heart conquered really race
At dusk her chivalrous veil ends a shawl
She saunters thinking through the arched white mall
At dawn her steed strides bailey cobblestones
And sideways saddled she blows sweet horn tones
Wait will I on her diary till tap of bell
Her deep eyes deemed a place Id duly dwell
In Lady Gambols gaze I rest in peace
A knights concerns drain in drawn close cease
Chorus peace accord serenity

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Revised sonnet #1631

Im so in love you see its hard to speak
My hand yours drops as it might sweat a lake
The chat might fizzle out my heart might break
Of own accord claim we could club unique
A lick of lips a purse a pout and peak
Cecede to quaint inflected fine voice quake
Five furtive fingers which imply an ache
I shouldnt stare up close I scope you chic
Yes its way wiser if I look elsewhere
And look on us as others look on us
A foolish fellow forcing futile fuss
A gorgeous girl engrossing far and near
If loveless lying Ill just die dead respawn
Ill beg off fevered feelings never fawn
Chorus respawn regenerate revive

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Revised sonnet #1632

I sought words kept in clusters under roots
Of etymology down aeons past past
On halo heal hole helium my eyes cast
On halo hollow disc and ring offshoots
Our sun shone seemingly a zillion miles
At rise of sun I stared at life and death
On red red clouds I huffed grey cloudy breath
Sha stuttered shine showered enigmatic smiles
That night we hit on deuced bouncing hail
White dice dumped down from lately twinkling stars
We saved ourselves with battered avatars
One step aloof we lived to tell the tale
World overcrowding its thickened crust
Fine engineered shine stream of stellar dust
Chorus crust layer shell

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Revised sonnet #1633

I was way wrong to reckon love ours pure
And earmark it as earnest doddle done
I flattered you when options felt far fewer
How was I wood in woe when work Id shun?
In cursory eye glances rhymes read cure
Such sultry sonnets never beyond a pun
All laboured long on printers dyes endure
Each seamless seems all said and sweatless won
Livelier long ago engaged Id given
My right arm up for this exquisite rut
Dedicated diarist demon driven
Such satin skin of your arms knees and butt
Tighter lines inspired stuff scribbled later
Gorgeous gems Id give you glister greater
Chorus later after post

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Revised sonnet #1634

Seems scarcely yesterday yet young I fell
In love so easy deep and ill at ease
My pulse pace picked up as if under spell
My eyes agog gawked stunned stockstill Id freeze
What triggers love is very hard to tell
My hormone levels find out things that please
The times I touched a tomcat tortoiseshell
Or babies bandied sat across my knees
If his look lasts my long lashes flutter
At candid compliment Ill thank and thank
A first date kiss my brain ends bumbling blank
Lovelorn lass nod I what words hell utter
Such stands my valour joie de vivre and vim
I bouy up boys in sights my love a whim
Chorus vim ebullience gusto

Friday, May 27, 2016

Revised sonnet #1635

She struck as sick as youd think true to type
A narcissist in love I swiftly fell
Some social creature any mane or stripe
Our clique acquired her we just got on well
Shed wave off worries mine mere trifling gripe
On monumental worries all hers dwell
She stood no patsy snitch or guttersnipe
It was perspective plumped not kiss and tell
She showed off cleavage scarcely photod crude
She shood off bad boys whod alight and leer
Her whiskers waxed at Womens Work shed sneer
She was hung up on style sense played a pseud
Just one of those vain girls shed yearn and yawn
Shed posit brain a must and beg off brawn
Chorus yawn dilate gape

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Revised sonnet #1636

The stage two geezer goosed his walking frame
Up near to nod acquaintance nab a name
Of elder statesman mugshots ghosting past
Affronted by screen scrolls he gasped aghast
Couch sportsfan fixed a free kick struck so wrong
All while in slomo sipping beer and puffing bong
He booted easiest bullseye front of goal
Heeled it home sweet home without rigmarole
A streetwise homie paid out pay per view
His back to front cap watched his back he knew
His doppelganger headbutt bonkers struck
Teevee cracked bloodied brow the best of luck
Motion sensor console gaming skill sires
Meek amateurs far from floor salesman hires
Chorus sires begets creates

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Revised sonnet #1637

Whats my cute candy cane its stripes so bright
Whats my long licorice and short grape gum
Whats my cube cut chunk choice turkish delight
Whats my cream pie abed in biscuit crumb
Whats my meringue fluff airy crisp and slight
Whats my carved icecream raisins mixed in rum
Whats my eggnog nip two thirds tumbler height
Whats my fruit toffeed apple peach or plum
Your mouth is luscious matted balmed or glossed
I cant engage enough when kissing such
In light of day all inhibitions lost
Just plug in that tongue thank you very much
Yes darling ladle on your treacle treat
Whilst people peer peeved alley lane or street
Chorus treat gift present

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Revised sonnet #1638

I sought to see the loser followed whim
Theyd ranked him little more than laughing stock
I sensed a soothing silliness to brim
I felt impelled to patronise or mock
I sat at stage edge primping flexing limb
They smirked him either muscleman or jock
I sucked an ice cube round the tumbler rim
I guessed his gags as gross and not knockknock
He pitched his plaintive gags abandoned pride
I sussed him sad sensed some future furtive
He seemed swell sweet his stance so assertive
I heard him heckled heeheed his hard hide
I clapped his corny candour didnt bay
He was warm what I wanted night or day
Chorus bay corner trap

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Revised sonnet #1639

Old concrete lane in zigzag stiles still wends
Across a bump its full of holes and cracks
A pace past our old house in sadness ends
High hedge obscures sides splintered trellis lax
Im lost apart I learn life extends
No joie de vivre I sob at chimney stacks
And tiles intact I mightve made amends
A ghost you this heart hurt unhardened tracks
A weekend party waived off weak event
You werent amused I muse yes now I see
A job prospectus prised you off of me
Our weekly wages stretched in meeting rent
Bush branches pushed away whack back apace
And trigger tears I flinch Im flogged full face
Chorus apace pronto swiftly

Friday, May 13, 2016

Revised sonnet #1640

All candidates who bow and crawl to power
All oracles who breathe on crystal balls
All billionaires who squash and still stay sour
All loiterers who mill and mull in malls
Ive little class I cuss and cuff or cower
A veteran of booze and barroom brawls
Our worlds a floating poo or lily flower
El nino farts or greenhouse gas in squalls
Is shortsightedness then the better game?
Investing zest Id certainly zero in
On you sweet sister happy heros grin
My muscles ache and you scarce seem that lame
Then lets escape to daily living yield
Were useless yet in love thats our tin shield
Chorus yield capitulate surrender

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Revised sonnet #1641

Will he hook up? will my worst worries latch?
Ive reeled him out I stand his rescue search
Ive bandied friends hes baited brilliant catch
Im sure hes overhyped theyd leave in lurch
I know she only craves kids kept in batch
I know she only nods a ring in church
I know she only picks from status perch
I know she only combs a mousy match
The sexes battle needs no knife or gun
His faith in me affirmed in courteous quips
He sinks on more than latent licking lips
These girls are farthest friends at least theyre fun
Hed suss me squarely minus stuff Im not
Hed grade me great true love or gold hes got
Chorus not nicht nyet
Revised sonnet #1642

I mumble under saved breath seeing she slinks
Across yon kerb yes such a charming chick
Her satin short shorts shimmer quiver quick
Id stand her champion knight name noble links
I wish shed leap this arid current jinx
And enter my lame life love me her pick
Id like to learn what she sees as cool or ick
Id love to meet her mind her inner minx
Theres bliss in beauty it enhances health
I see the tresses skin and clothes are clean
The silver earrings sparkling speak of wealth
Yes her looks are the golden mean I glean
Through me blinks she inside the awning aisles
Her stiff shoes snaking crowded urban miles
Chorus aisles corridors lanes

Friday, May 06, 2016

Revised sonnet #1643

Behaviour show off on my part bizarre
Or symptomatic that boy girl type thing
My eyes ease tears they stall a salty sting
My hurt heart hacks a passion over par
A knowing quick look or friends shrug afar
May elevate my soul may bright bliss bring
On hormone high adrenaline a ping
I guess our curse can captivate and jar
My heart beats busily in its bone cage
I bite breath back skin surely shades blue hue
My situation set speech seems overdue
I crave you damsel weve both come of age
I yield in love in kneeling forth repent
And you my wiles wave off its eminent
Chorus repent atone disclaim

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Revised sonnet #1645

I aimed his arse one funny towel hard flick
It got him good avenged his chinese burn
His toe hit me an under table kick
Ice cubes inside his collar thing hed earn
We laughed and cringed on each lowly trick
We wondered wise in woe when would he learn
I gauged our gender frisson void of click
A blitz of fondling fizzled found adjourn
In chat I champion true I blurt and mug
His foibles sayings and skirmishes its nub
Our staff room sink and its electric jug
And drainer stand as my informants hub
What wild womans our big boy busy booing?
What wayward waifs he properly pursuing?
Chorus booing catcalling jeering
Revised sonnet #1646

A time we were as one wed quite unique
I saw you surely my immortal muse
I knew youd never massively enthuse
A secret lover brought a certain pique
He watched you brush a bang off either cheek
He clapped your spritz of scent a standard ruse
He bought your bob hair style and blouse in blues
He was as pleased as punch agreeably geek
A microscope slide shows your quirks yet worse
I view you water ice inviting schism
A sun struck jelly standing gnomon prism
All anti atoms other universe
He over scrutinises when youre trite
Your foe couch fade off ultraviolet light
Chorus trite banal hackneyed

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Revised sonnet #1647

Ive conquered love I dont just covet might
The triumphant moment sinks in weighs a ton
It maddens monumental pyrrhic won
I dont ask round I bet you shes all right
Half formed gut parasites fed free of sight
And moths giant dollied down off brown and dun
And radiant plankton spurred on set of sun
And pissing panthers cornering each night
The titans whose huge hearts weak dash at dwarves
And beggars whose swag sags and swells split parts
And ship girls whose hose laddered waddles wharves
And natives whose pouts pepper poison darts
I wake in nervous sweat and sitting rise
I hail high heaven that dire dreams die lies
Chorus rise ascend mount
Revised sonnet #1648

I thought Id snort enough of their oozed wiles
A fragrant flaunted flesh and myriad moods
A fundamental cattiness and feuds
Yet more I view attractive what reviles
Ill suffer whinges womens girlish guiles
Its craven how I nod desire deludes
Ill clam at primping pretty partial nudes
Defer flinch foster superficial smiles
Its ever that impure abiding bitch
As my raw brain braves her concussive laugh
Or timorous idiosyncratic twitch
A cute chick cleverer one whole and half
Its bitter chocolate yet sugared sweet
I back out bowing yet we may mix and meet
Chorus sweet mellow treacly

Friday, April 22, 2016

Revised sonnet #1650

She patted slow steps walking on her palms
Her black gym pants on view made more advance
The passing party people quiet in qualms
Her pigtails slid through green grass what romance
I lingered levered by her obvious charms
And crushed a can I crooked a cross armed stance
Two chicks tssked loudly left just up in arms
I seethed those skinny legs that show off prance
How was this chick I longed for longed to meet
Of whom I dared dream daily acting cheap
An intellectual beauty? pressed to peep
How was I stricken by her flawed and sweet?
I drove you back home bouyed and primed to please
Though anyone else would writhe ill at ease
Chorus please delight gratify

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Revised sonnet #1649

Godog ex machina I stepped out serf
In code and title rallied triumphant knight
In pleasantry you nestled noble right
Our steeds stamped squarely certain solid turf
I couldn't cuss you cold you kept calm court
I couldn't guide your quill using gauntlet fist
Hornbook yours leaf turn tight twist of wrist
As only private prayers me mentioned forte
We count ourselves untouched by bane black death
We billow over castle clinging moat
You under veil I under crossed surcoat
Up bailey stairs gruff gust acquainting breath
A garrison crew can yet wage your whim
My holy servitude the sombre hymn
Chorus whim caprice gambit

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Revised sonnet  #1651

In moments mild Ill sip tea see at sea
Ill call to mind the memories of chance
And meditating ancient acts enhance
As breathing is a deed unforced and free
If memories are dim and deep what key
Unlocks their order secret circumstance?
Tears shed in public view will but advance
A gross of rascals random apogee
If fragile friends who couldnt ever win
Are there too soft skinned theyre inanimate
Old bullies frenemies and bad ass kin
Among the few forgotten fret at fate
I didnt call you back up chat at all
You first to love yet fond I didnt stall
Chorus all entire whole
Revised sonnet  #1652

So sweet I beg you let through commonsense
On inner heat an outer cool crimp curb
Do let the foolish rank as reference
Distinguish from mind movements which disturb
You neednt know the why or who or whence
Its better privately to blub and blurb
RNA builds DNAs dust immense
And gerunds bridge the gap of noun to verb
Your hypocrisy is youve quietly cussed
You write off people who miss your potent point
Inanities theirs jerk you out of joint
The absent brain and present body sussed
Your eyes twinkling torture tentative bring
Your nose wrinkling tetchy tells Ive inkling
Chorus twinkling coruscating shimmering

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Revised sonnet #1653

Weve hit a lump upon a learning curve
Elusive skills of compromise are key
I dread adrenalin the force to fight or flee
He might insert a sidestep sudden swerve
On my own life he posted me to perv
I didn't deem it dubious it was me
Hed squeezed and jostled me that others see
Mind mine he undermined with mugging verve
Why do I praise him probably impure?
Why do I mill around his morbid mood?
Why does he covet illness over cure?
Why does he curry favour cussing rude?
Meme me made mad Id drive up more demand
Id kick his shin hed sooner understand
Chorus able expert skilful

Monday, April 11, 2016

Revised sonnet #1654

White stephanaoitis sprays framed my white veil
I clutched and crimped in my white satin muff
I saw the best man minimise his cuff
The organ sounded up and down the scale
He could on second guess embarrassed bail
The midnight call from me cringed curious stuff
Teeth gritted how hed harped hed seen enough
Wed make the altar blissed out nought need ail
Id pressed to hard hoops cloth of petticoat
White satin gown had shadow overlay
Then mother pulled at loops fixed puff and bloat
As photos shouldn't show fines clothes astray
We were wed with wise words quaking perish
We vowed wed conclude qualms kissing cherish
Chorus perish disappear expire

Friday, April 08, 2016

Revised #1655

Catch that chick hot sustaining soft singsong
Another whistles worries well away
Another honies her call centre grey
Another sighs you saintly all along
Catch that close friend fox nodding right or wrong
Another bides your blink and winks obey
Another heaps hair high rakes a sunshine ray
Another smiles safe harbour dreads dingdong
Yet soon enough your fancied features fade
As gravity asserts you score and sag
Youll lose what weather fair fresh friends youve made
Youll not seem such a brilliant boy I nag
Count sorrows steep cost since sleep youve lost
Ill back you sick or bruised or badly bossed
Chorus lost missed yielded

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Revised sonnet #1656

Too late to burble sorry beg reprieve
I shouldve said it straight off yesterday
Things ever culminate if kept at bay
Perhaps shell grant me good grace level leave
My heart pumps quick my lungs inhale and heave
My cares turn clouds my funny feelings flay
I pray my future fine acts can outweigh
I sit in silence still I know Ill grieve
Tell when might my infractions sum as sin?
And when might sins summed equal single crime?
I ask myself resumed wholl lose wholl win
Against quirk of character this time
Ive guaranteed the gaffes the sequent aches
It could end civilly or lift the stakes
Chorus aches pains vexations

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Revised sonnet #1657

Flies black bring buzz from bad ass Beelzebub
To me I spritz them swift a daisy whiff
And doomed they dive at me the source as if
I couldnt curl a magazine and club
The camel carries saddlebags from hub to hub
He swings a route of grit he serves as skiff
Of desert dunes his carbon doesnt miff
His poop and pee peewee hes not a grub
I wont weep great apes grooming parasites
I can cook without farms of fish that foul
I do damn lion prides poached as yet they prowl
I mightnt miss sleep screened for brief bat bites
Heavens manmade murmur manumission
Id suck sunshine sizzling streamed off fission
Chorus fission buzz charge

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Revised sonnet #1658

Mosaics inside medressa deemed Sher Dor
In pixels slinked the legendary pride
Eyes closely set if so much harder eyed
Time trolls in ligers see their fate to fore
I came to claim a kidnapped Silk Road whore
In caravanserai parked nought to hide
The vendors called on quickly quantified
The fetching female locked in local lore
Five flakes of fresco filled a genie jar
A coil of chromosomes the odd stem cell
I plugged the piece in faith I didnt dwell
Id clone my long lost sweetheart bar a scar
My love and I and ibises stroll flats
The yin and yang sinkhole twirl ink on hats
Chorus flats deltas plains

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Revised sonnet #1659

Dress me down voodoo vixen kick up a stink
Keep shrapnel on the latest liquor loan
Your sympathetic juju waits on wink
Or finger snap then you your spells much moan
Onlookers mind my pink in sun tan zinc
And pals expel us lately grudges hone
And frenemies affirm the legba link
The laughs behind their hands or else they groan
A zombie might I be I mustnt judge
Stamped sore shoe mine your boots bent best broken
That Achilles heel tendon tattered token
You signed the plaster cast in lipstick smudge
The voodoo vixens hickeys break out hives
Dead legs deals she me my half heart revives
Chorus hives lumps welts

Friday, April 01, 2016

Revised sonnet #1660

So you say you love me very dearly
Say shes a nervous needy good old friend
Say her quiet words to her own fellow wend
Faithful I now nod you fitful nearly
That tense time I spied you courted clearly
She stuck a fancy foot in it at end
Saying long look boy and girl in babbling blend
Saying mates merged minds must as one live merely
I get her nuisance nuance shell go out grab
Anothers hot hot babe being boy crazy
Shed make a mental note of men to nab
Handsome hunk hail you leave her hunk hazy
Embraced embarrassed by her hard enough
I blush imagining you both bit buff
Chorus enough adequate sufficient

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Revised sonnet #1661

Hes got brawn Ive big bucks youve got beauty
Yes we can call in a cash crammed caper
Mammon take the tax excise and duty
Kiss the mountainous new minted paper
Verify their vibe voice fairly fruity
Borrowing dwellers down to landlords taper
Funnel flush first mortgage moral duty
Their kids future furnish old back scraper
Ride the traders tickertape a rocket
Grit white wisdom teeth then gnash gnarled molars
Buy inside trade stock picks price in pocket
Short sweet syphilitic scab bipolars
Hands out ancient tremble timely pension
You kids make more money without mention
Chorus pension annuity benefit

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Revised sonnet #1662

The warm spring shower drips drops in helmet slits
As we freewheel the subway shout out hey
Tracks run above and beyond the motorway
And we find bottles smashed to little bits
From mouldy walls to rusty mesh grass knits
Absurd the strokes from aerosol paint spray
The while we lift our bikes across okay
I bag her harmless girlish giggle blitz
Above pedestrians doused dodge gutter spill
On her cheeks cling rills she strikes glamorous
I catch at kisses quick a win for will
Her sportsbra bosom stiffens amorous
Then we steer safely aluminium steeds
Jink bollards ramp skid scuff to gears lower leads
Chorus steeds horses ponies

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Revised sonnet #1663

Held him a hundred bucks hunch hed heave her
That went off well I sold the gigolo
I put my paws on her all good to go
She stood a babe in bribes shelled as it were
Then her young features froze me ere Id err
She simply didnt fancy further woe
She satisfied the clinch in wriggling slow
There was a cuter chick it did occur
Statuesque soul soon squared up airyfairy
She spoke a verse about a nodding knight
A wellworn warrior who could champion right
Worthwhile wench why am I warm and wary?
Throne seated since thawed now shes prone to please
I grind my gargoyle head on her knocked knees
Chorus please delight gratify

Monday, March 28, 2016

Revised sonnet #1664

Youre not elusive locked in lucid dreams
I press you come and go ask pretty please
Augmented reality enriching frees
And cornered squares upon you stuff that seems
I squinted holy healing mantra memes
I felt you bluff enough your breath at ease
Your kind eyes brimmed by ultraviolet beams
They struck through mine unseen they zapped disease
Ive shouldered early hours and double shifts
Ive nodded off and napped a whole half hour
In daydreams dim I saunter skim and scour
Youve snuggled me one last time sadness lifts
In cradled arms I pass out pass away
Inviting heaven where well dance one day
Chorus away distanced gone

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Revised sonnet #1665

I ponder life and launch immersive memes
I see in cigarettes a choice in weight
I see in dice the role of fate to date
Its just enough to notch up precious reams
I envy equals who work daring dreams
I crave one persons gorgeous nose or pate
Anothers social skills the which wont grate
Anothers stylish moves and money streams
I bet your face friendly fulfills future
Appearance standards souls shall stare and vet
Mesmerising youre unmarked by suture
Suspecting surgery I shant seem set
Heart mine moved meet my mild pretty pretty
Eyes mine zealous zoom zones nitty gritty
Chorus pretty cute fair

Friday, March 25, 2016

Revised sonnet #1666

They flagged her frail she was in health arrears
They packed in memories as monument
Through black hole her big bag of water went
Expanding wedge and bifurcating shears
Fused fibre metre wide lies stretched on gears
And racks tectonic plates are freed and pent
To buffer quell and quickly circumvent
A quake is caught in fibre nets nought nears
The world Ive since emerged in still a ball
Inside out back to front lands seas and lakes
The hub at molten core of overhaul
A hallowed hole of darkness dampened quakes
She was alive and well the illness sussed
They were immortal folk and werent too fussed
Chorus sussed diagnosed figured

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

sonnet #1667 revised

You mustve loved a boy who was just bad
News known and wept aware and grabbed for more
The pain appeals as when he can adore
You mostly slightly meanly make you sad
Youve watched a hundred sunsets great times had
Yet one he cringes old he calls a bore
Its stuck so scathingly to make you sore
Hes gentle otherwise a genie glad
Youll draw him up and dole youll praise him well
Hell slap you down to brink of welt or bruise
Hes like a speck thats dredged from oyster shell
His love is right and raw and rare no ruse
The grain he gives you little is good as gold
A day youll save a mound to line a mould
Chorus gold goud guld

Future projects

Im taking notes here and there for two epic poems The Devils Nipples and The Forest of the Aurochs.  It means retooling which is tricky.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

sonnet I asked my old

I asked my old pal who worries worse
She framed in faith the facts to sound my fault
Stockstill I sat I stymied urge to bolt
She slid me prettified inside a hearse
She stood deus exmachina not a nurse
And her regard was glib and felt assault
Id snap to it Id juice up on the jolt
Empowered and pure Id bust my bastard curse
Id flubbed she fired and hed fed on it
I couldnt flame with fully open eyes
Manipulative actions angled lies
I was a waif to even broach that nit
She salivated while sad stuff Id say
And didnt hear me out then wait a day
Chorus say announce voice

Thursday, March 17, 2016

sonnet The unacceptable insults and

The unacceptable insults and slurs
I blab to strangers private business
Their further knotting loops enlarge distress
A cloudy mind in manners thus errs
I half imagine his made mind concurs
I could inform the boy defuse a guess
Theres majesty in midst of message mess
Im bored by him I bore Im sure all blurs
I crave a counsel still sort stuff on own
Yet counsel coupled dodge I put it off
I strive to quit quiet qualm and loudly scoff
Id savage him till maudlin moan and groan
Is it the boy or state I long to leave
And if I silent stay it proves reprieve?
Chorus leave depart exit

Monday, March 14, 2016

sonnet My fault I played

My fault I played a psychic didnt ask
How he endeavoured he thought through no doubt
Dimmed early days it was an easy task
No platitudes or sorrows did we spout
We didnt suffer shallow chat its mask
Of amity we sussed each other out and out
Wed lie in sunshine both relaxed just bask
We unintentionally flunk or flout
Our habitats in life arent much alike
Knowing theres true power in complement
In monomania met we both relent
Yes tastes acquired in quests a fool would pike
Im thinking fun a furtive fast affair
A private fantasy on which wed pair
Chorus affair intrigue liaison

Monday, March 07, 2016

sonnet The mans a dear

This mans a dear a happy heart a clever mind
I just would rather not have him around
Weve fizzled out the nuptial knots unbound
Hailed hindsight no sleight strikes we seemed aligned
He didnt like his day job quit its grind
A night job meaningful I lately found
I spoke opinions blunt and ever sound
He spoke opinions shrill and ever kind
Hes still a little fun well laugh and joke
His pompous parents might expect the break
He cant be cracked ebullient so I quake
Weve floated gradually apart as folk
He never battered me just cross that box
I neednt change the common keys and locks
Chorus box package trunk

Saturday, March 05, 2016

sonnet We stopped stockstill inside

We stopped stockstill inside the local mall
And he ignored all sorts of stuff I said
And gawked at gathered mannequins ahead
I suffered such suspense a stark stonewall
I studied his fine face I had the gall
Expressionless it looked alive or dead
I scrunched his shirt sleeve silk pink and red
I leant on his arm my ear cued to crawl
I wondered why would he act more than mute
If he just feared a fury rushing out
And didnt want to be a force five brute?
And so the sculpted calm increased all doubt
Then me he shrugged off like a filthy fly
I felt accused yet cleansed I could just die
Chorus fly flue flyen

Monday, February 29, 2016

sonnet All dreams I quit

All dreams I quit I forced a cautious plan
And so I seethed invisibly insane
A woman fortunate forfeits disdain
I had a fashion job a finance man
I felt exhausted hitched I lost elan
I buffered bits of boredom brain to brain
And not a vital link of virtuous chain
I struck no sympathy whole wedded span
Its mad if you feel lonely midst a crowd
In company of your close quarters spouse
If you dont sync and merely share a house
If home is just a building bricks endowed
Know if I could relive the earlier life
Id waive him wise Id never wind up wife
Chorus life animation sentience

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

sonnet Tease him I didnt

Tease him I didnt honestly how hard
Tit for tat wasnt me I shouldered shrug
On shrug emerging like old Atlas marred
A world of worry worn as worthwhile lug
Relationships strike sick on close regard
As puppet shows of pathogen and bug
In childish umbrage doped I caper scarred
The inner me a self destructive mug
The skinny freckly arms and frizzy hair
And boney finger joints and pallid palms
All overridden by bra busting charms
In wicked wording he sustains aware
At work upwardly mobile quite the money bore
I mightve loved that fellow ever more
Chorus bore dullard yawn

Friday, February 19, 2016

sonnet It was a hard

It was a hard time we met face to face
Id faulted him infuriated then hid
I lay low else I hadnt granted grace
I watched my back I watched what he then did
Mistakes mine were of small import a brace
Upon them had I screwed a solid lid
As hed most likely damn them common place
As hed deduce I dwelt anxiety rid
Id just abandon beauty niceness quit
And prove as poignant any minor point
And when our jaunty laughter was in joint
On his endearing knees Id drop and sit
I couldnt claim a day more paranoid
I pardon his mistakes and so mine void
Chorus paranoid alarmed wary

Monday, February 15, 2016

sonnet He said I stood

He said I stood too close to our old friend
I laughed too loud enjoying his stream of jokes
I didnt dodge his adolescent pokes
Id fall in love a logical bad end
Id sample feed back from him my own send
Inverse proportion what wed yield or coax
Infinity loop and yin yang yokes
Wed wear in circuit closed as one emend
He made a nothing something keeping quiet
I coaxed a little further from him speech
I read between the lines my daily diet
His other pals at limit one and each
On own recognizance henceforth required
I dodged his pals I did what was admired
Chorus required needed wanted

Friday, February 12, 2016

sonnet It was like wine

It was like wine it warmed and flushed the cheeks
Except the nether cheeks in question spanked
He reckoned mine Id passed Id proudly blanked
His greeting earlier after dating weeks
Id suffered sudden pinch of nipple peaks
Id grabbed his groin his bulging bollocks yanked
Hed groaned Id moaned in climax cushions flanked
The ottoman approved in strident squeaks
It was time we took tension up a notch
I bent across a cushion pile to mate
He spanked and strummed I squirmed in sexy strait
I felt a valve a piston pull in crotch
I was appointed partner prickle pain
Through pleasure other bitches deigned disdain
Chorus pain ache torment

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

sonnet She hung her left

She hung her left arm over her chair back
She looked my picture perfect amputee
As if inside my wendy house were we
As if Id seen her sneak a secret snack
I giggled girlish out of joint out of whack
She looked embarrassed but she lent a lee
He winked at her and stroked my stockinged knee
Beneath our table never knobbling yack
She primped and pressed a proposition stern
I knew she knew it didnt duly irk
In roles reversed Id grin and go beserk
Ingenuous was I lecherous Id learn
She struck as dollified his dreamy ex
Id squirm his validation whilst shed vex
Chorus ex former prior

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

sonnet Up my left thigh

Up my left thigh his fingers ran a run
Of checker patterned stocking while I sighed
Inside my skirt he stopped the furtive fun
A carnal craving cornered me I cried
He nipped at my neck nape jaw one by one
I cupped his conk its locks I pushed and pried
I licked his lips I stirred on what hed just begun
I felt his silky finger sock impress and glide
I heard his buckle click undone a zag of zip
I straddled drawn down drenched he sank on cue
He slid in me his knob before I knew
His arse and mine began to grind and whip
It was a semipublic double dare
Home study out I was a whit aware
Chorus dare challenge taunt

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

sonnet There wouldnt be a

There wouldnt be a point if we agreed
On all things said and done on feelings felt
And anyway they say hes suave shes svelte
I wouldnt coldly court the kin then breed
I harp on halves in hints your barriers heed
Your custom quirks of character as dealt
Via social pressure genes and past they melt
And meld together coupled come off creed
The honeymoon at end I mute my moan
About the flubs Ive rationalised rough
The worked up whinges based on grandiose guff
I envy easily your moves I own
Its me that mostly needs to change in pose
I barely can embrace it heaven knows
Chorus pose bearing mien

Sunday, January 31, 2016

sonnet Win me again in

Win me again in love just choose to change
A separation can advance divorce
Your fits of fury seriously estrange
Your mumbled mockerys a murky source
Ive got dry elbows lately not a mange
You call it bitch and yet its only coarse
Youre perfect else the evils end of range
The nagging nabbing nought I fall on force
Im packing parts you never criticise
The shadow shelf that lends a bosom line
A lambent light that livens limpid eyes
The only cardigan agreed divine
Expansive pain of human spirit growth
In compromise invoked we could take oath
Chorus growth development flourish

Friday, January 29, 2016

sonnet We walked along a

We walked along a lane of cherry trees
In bloom pink petals sensory delight
And dags of sheep infused a balmy breeze
And shriveled cattle pats lay left and right
A pollen allergy inspired your sneeze
We found at fence a post about waist height
We hopped atop a step stile high as knees
In field ahead chooks foraged free of flight
I bent you backward on a public bench
Its mould a fertile mark of mother earth
I ground engorged your gash invited girth
A swift spring shower at ready promised drench
A torrid quickie tourists far from scene
In light of elements of clouds is clean
Chorus scene location vista

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

sonnet Ive never fancied fussy

Ive never fancied fussy ladies much
A surge and who was willing filled a kink
Unlesioned loins in lust large lithely link
In alleys restrooms cinemas and such
I did endure a brag or blab Id blink
I feigned amusement fondled out of touch
Id flatter flaccidly Id come off crutch
Id crave a swig of gin and tonic drink
A maskers life is frankly fake full face
I roll a rubber conk on mine and see
I knot its nape up nice with nylon lace
I settle ladylike and pipe out pee
Avoided by queers trannies bis and dykes
Im leveled lazy half arse open mics
Chorus dykes lesbians tribade

Monday, January 25, 2016

sonnet Hed courted me a

Hed courted me a month Id sensed it wrong
Hed followed me hed laid out wraps of flowers
Hed flattered me a lot I squared as strong
And clever kind and cute at peak of powers
Once married man he gave off ghastly glowers
He countered comments previous loud and long
A laugh of mine hed praised a lode of lours
A scent of mine hed praised a pithy pong
I backed him even more I nursed his need
I pranced in sexier clothes or better style
He savaged it as latest vogue and vile
I felt fierce pain I nearly burst to bleed
Id always been a pushover theyd lean
I wrought divorce defeated quick and clean
Chorus lean incline tilt

Sunday, January 24, 2016

sonnet You echoed anything I

You echoed anything I said what sway
I raked a tress arrear a readied ear
Closecropped yourself you mimicked not okay
You raked at air uneerie full of fear
You swore yourself as changed as model clay
Of own accord you didnt change or veer
You feared youd damage me youd best allay
I could expect a month it might appear
Your outer self is generous in strait
You give up time you help out other folk
What drew me first of late looms like an oak
I guess at nuisances you quietly hate
I scarcely see you my old buddy bet
I languish last on list your safety net
Chorus bet hazard punt

Friday, January 22, 2016

sonnet It shouldve struck incited

It shouldve struck incited straight at start
I shouldve propagated you the pain
Of pains in life I knew nought naive and vain
Instead I caught a sharp edge little art
You dither dawdle dodge your deep eyes dart
You cling to childhood hurt exclusive bane
You ape the perfect man I meant to gain
You force inferior fun you know inane
I gave off modesty and gentleness
I granted clemency and droll endured
And still you sinned I reckoned wrong you cured
You sulked in dearth you certified a mess
Three days I kept mute my amazing voice
I let in laughter penance paid your choice
Chorus voice voce voix

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

sonnet So sad I swam

So sad I swam inside a gold fish bowl
Excuses she squeaked selfish made me sore
I cried as sex was analysed a chore
Agreed as moot on tap what rigmarole
As she approved of honesty Id pour
Out my hurt heart and hedonism extol
Id blurt on out escape a grounded goal
Id cuss at rag day rage Id stick an oar
I got a gold fish prize pet called it quits
I crush in crumb on crumb on crumb on crumb
And she hauls her big belly nice and numb
Along bowl bottom gorgeous gorging grits
She mouths at me a silent simple kiss
I pucker my own lips in love zip amiss
Chorus kiss kus kysse

Thursday, January 14, 2016

sonnet As poverty appeared a

As poverty appeared a constant curse
In her young life I thought Id tolerate
A credit card we shared Id just reimburse
A spending spree invoked her happy state
A credit card enjoys insidious rate
Its stuck in her doe skin designer purse
And interest and penalties of late
Would sink us click us stiffs inside a hearse
I still stop short of calling this a drug
I deem it dodgy habit lighter vein
Withdrawals are overdrawn as sensual pain
Id never hang a price on kiss or hug
I say her smiles are worth a million bucks
The dozen dresses calibrate the crux
Chorus bucks clams dollars

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

sonnet I feel irrational Im

I feel irrational Im flush in guilt
Afraid of hurting him immensely more
I feel he doesnt fancy me at core
As partner so I worry weep and wilt
I fear his failures first I table tilt
I rally recognition put him fore
I clap I cheer I champion chant or roar
I swiftly sponge away a beer hes spilt
I feel I fear he isnt error prone
Its not enough annoyance to truly nix
Identifying as one a frothy mix
His geegees are a bore I fear Ill groan
A mirror me indulges temple stress
A trigger finger foraging a tress
Chorus stress anxiety hassle

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

sonnet I feel alone around

I feel alone around him a knotty nought
Ive got the pals the kids the parents plumb
Ive got the yoga pose the yantra dumb
Im glad I got the goodies which I ought
I miss the mess that poverty we sought
I miss the olden days the student slum
And being immersed and mused a busy chum
I miss him the most the fun he brought
We nattered hour on hour we fossicked facts
We snuggled safe a sage exclusive pair
We fought off bedbugs blamed our cubby lair
We quoted future fun and fiscal acts
Ive been a whinger whereas youre a dear
Im pleased that you refuse to interfere
Chorus dear honey sweetheart

Friday, January 08, 2016

sonnet It was an error

It was an error when I married him
I was too weak to offer up a no
I was a mess of moods in memes aswim
I was a worry warts wrapped whole in woe
On my fresh freckled face a fevered vim
I felt a constantly embarrassed glow
I varied sun bleach blonde bright dirt blonde dim
I fixed a head of hair in flawless floe
And he endured the dozy fads and acts
I wasnt panned or mindlessly approved
I erred I learnt and his loyal love it moved
It was immediate mild in face of facts
Ive changed and cropped a lass in looking glass
He has invested faith I freely pass
Chorus glass glas glaz

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

sonnet I sense Ive come

I sense Ive come off callow blaming her
In woe I weep I wallow lolling low
I answer her enough all she need know
I dont involve her heart it does occur
Identity sustained aside sticks spur
My pals and hobbies prioritised I vow
Yes bossy bitch default in angels glow
As she now nags and niggling says I err
See she sews knits and cooks as chicks untold
Of yore and perseveres in patient charm
And doesnt speculate on real estate
She cant climb over folk she keeps a qualm
I love as first I did a stranger neat
I gave all earth away so wed just meet
Chorus neat orderly trim

Monday, January 04, 2016

sonnet You mustve noticed that

You mustve noticed that Im not all there
Im absent present poor embodiment
Of lovers dedication ere on ere
In past absorbed remembered feelings pent
Im ever late when we meet anywhere
You know a bit about its precedent
I fear your judgement trapped in now and here
Your niggling dominance I do resent
You sound out minds aloud it simmers ire
You interrupt a sentence then complete
All parlour tricks Id rather not acquire
I smile your stare away a tortuous feat
I compliment you yet you shrug off good
I feel alone you mine more than I should
Chorus good proper right

Friday, January 01, 2016

sonnet The city labyrinth inside

The city labyrinth inside a maze
A hum at hub attends the tendril tower
A pulsing satellite swirls solar power
Its jelly fish form full of gentle blaze
We walk encrypted streets a zephyr plays
Perpetually and optic fibres flower
Our kisses candy slightly sweet and sour
Our whispers ice our giant eyes gawk and glaze
And people pass on motorways in carts
And cars as if on reeling bucket bands
At gradual speeds engrossed in poker hands
And doctored liquors mending body parts
We walk along the lanes on city walls
The elevating masonry of malls
Chorus wall barrier palisade