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Saturday, May 30, 2015

sonnet Too late to mumble

Too late to mumble sorry hurts relieve
As you postponed it surely yesterday
If I twist right the wrong all blame at bay
If I void telltales signs cold qualms now eve
A petty peeve nought Id weep sickened heave
A show of strength to rattle come what may
If up is down a crisis cues okay
A spill of milk is small woe I wont grieve
As misdemeanours aggregate a sin
As sins then aggregate and count as crime
Do you then think three strikes a fair win win?
No hierarchy sure saves if grace is prime
A metered medicine on minor ache
What you yearn after Id just feel a fake
Chorus ache pain twinge

Thursday, May 28, 2015

sonnet That anorexic stirred once

That anorexic stirred once skin and bones
Is weak at heart eats hearty dies asleep
This epileptic gobbles pills and drones
In petit mal the lamer neurons leap
A superstitious soul I cringe at groans
Off luscious lips if Im in love Id keep
It checks your cheering voice on mobile phones
I fear that joyous tears arent just all Ill weep
I find that previous casual lovers ill equip
I love your laugh and sigh and gentle jape
I love especially your naked nape
I find you fabulous one hand on hip
It could be froth it neednt fizzle out
A learners luck dies down on dozey doubt
Chorus out alien extra

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

sonnet It looked improved I

It looked improved I parried when she asked
About her hubris hampered sanguine gland
Yet points about myself I squarely panned
She nixed as nought I looked quite lightly tasked
One fight my feebler foibles spilt unflasked
A lot I loathed she aired Id rather canned
In honesty she harped on underhand
In bloody bitchiness was what shed basked
She wouldnt gladly just accept I talked
Of her alone although my breath did reek
Of beer and pretzels and I pranced unique
Shed winced at clothes I wore she spun she walked
Id pack a parting present grit I lack
I spare her her one last and first fist smack
Chorus lack need want

Sunday, May 24, 2015

sonnet What time will you

What time will you let me touch you again?
Can you help me prove pure loves blithe and blind?
Is memory loss such a ghastly void of pain?
Who spawns again in my sad state of mind?
When decades spent apart have proved inane
In tumours beaten bad luck lurks rime on rind
Acquaintances smirk quirks hint Im just vain
Ex lovers luggage other chick inclined
What loyal love awaits year twenty eighty?
Cute cyber you hold out just sort of sold
A knee implant and gold crowned teeth of old
Fashion statement stem cells show you weighty
A rosy cheeked doll is not really you
No youre a teenage temptress pale in hue
Chorus you du tu

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

sonnet As your eyes see

As your eyes see split ups are dire ado
I thought it was a serious love on sight
It turned out tete a tete a plangent plight
Odd parent pundits simply need a talking to
Ill be frank first I felt I did love you
I felt a fondness back if not meshed quite
In grinding gears or crunching cogs all night
I praised you not enough and that I rue
As braggarts go he wasnt such a bore
Long time established solid routine sex
His sporting injury sustained sheer chore
A frenchie ribbed a buzzing egg off flex
I nursed him better now hes never ill
Ill wave byebye my beau Ill weep a rill
Chorus ill ailing sick

Sunday, May 17, 2015

sonnet Alone aloof at loss

Alone aloof at loss with pangs I feel
About a worn out world now disappeared
I weep at tears in memories its weird
In words Im mortified by morbid zeal
A place and people rolled out no big deal
Bold faces fulminate both feared and jeered
In modern manners openly theyre leered
In virtual minds eye clapped they cant conceal
The finer days and dollars where I wend
The storeyed dice and faith in stuff unseen
Thwart funny folk fight fit at odds to end
Ill harp on horrid humorous or keen
The heart expects a grave and latent draw
If dots are resonant or deep and raw
Chorus pull draw tug

Friday, May 15, 2015

sonnet Shes stacked her boxes

Shes stacked her boxes not yet said byebye
I shouldnt savour sense of sweet relief
I do I know she wants me asking why
I wont its not as though Ive been a thief
Investigative journalism her grief
She raved her rights she roared a warlike cry
Her paranoia was parallel in brief
Her crocodilian tears made me more shy
Cocked and crooked finger figured frigger
And not come here and sit upon my knee
Finger rubbed on thumb a cash job claimed key
Figured rather whorehouse slicked hair trigger
Funny Ive supplied her flop out phallus
She slams me as cold and cruel and callous
Chorus phallus dork member

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

sonnet As sun gods savvy

As sun gods savvy powered by paltry light
We radiate health from our native nuclear cores
And killing undermines our social mores
If plants and animals are Satans sleight
Our old sun smothers us at helium height
Expands but slow and safe excludes all ores
Upholds bioluminescent human pores
Acts air bag like the longest day or night
The ocean is chock full of jellyfish
That never age are known immortal coil
And worms which chow on microbes met in oil
The poison proved above belows a dish
Your sight receives claps more than it deserves
Your pores are pinhole cameras on nerves
Chorus deserves merits warrants

Monday, May 11, 2015

sonnet Game girl wholl bang

Game girl she taps thrice a judges gavel
In highly charged times calls out dumb deed
Moneys thrown at tentative time travel
Its predisposed to tumble then succeed
Universe traversed wont just unravel
If beings above all that take a learned lead
If you figure further than your navel
A creation void of cutting splice or seed
I wagered timelords were a central prong
Yet mightier creatures built from total blank
It registered them rulers rarest rank
As quasar sentinels who spin along
Yes shes essential bent on shelving health
My orphan organs ornaments of wealth
Chorus health vigour wellbeing

Thursday, May 07, 2015

sonnet I dont know why

I dont know why I still endure that dear
That sort wont live life low let wounds heal
The duelling dances culminate in fear
Or first aid fellow real concern conceal
One skating stunt an earring ripped an ear
And cloning proved its cost effective zeal
Soon stem cells healed her lobe along its shear
She convalesced impatient on its peel
My dolls a century old rid of gray
Her cheeks are cheeky childish pink as ink
Offkilter cute she cultivates that kink
The beauty brushes nanoclay thin lay
She judged well scraping into noughties just
I rode in on her slipstream as if sussed
Chorus just dubious scarcely

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

sonnet Your heart is hidden

Your heart is hidden well inside your fort
Im pal at best it ratchets purest pain
A wishful want and wanting wish in vain
Ill shove you soon how much Im out of sort
Ive got no great gripe which needs quick report
Im flustered while I front a faux disdain
Im mesmerised and mystified in main
You stick me semiprecious stones come court
A coral ring on finger when I wake
Lips clam dry and loving feelings linger
Dream was where I wept and what a zinger
If sleeps of tear ducts drop like pearl opaque
Your lack of levity and feeling ground
My soul in sufferance still sets off bound
Chorus ground base fix

Sunday, May 03, 2015

sonnet I cry adieu to

I cry adieu to love and call it quits
Ahead of more and more embarassment
As mine was she till he proposed the gent
Shed fostered me as fine in starts and fits
She wasnt weird there was no precedent
She was no flighty flirt or full on blitz
Yes now I weep Ive lost my wary wits
She was just honey sweet just heaven sent
I kiss adieu to fresh bouquets of flowers
And bonbon boxes papered bound by bows
The sunshine struck strolls certain lunch time hours
On cinder paths in kneehigh neat herb rows
I wave adieu to memories of late
Id estimate what ways Id enervate
Chorus late current fresh

Friday, May 01, 2015

sonnet Its said in certain

Its said in certain circles that when you sift
In mountain rivers treasure glitters found
A golden grit on riddle rarest gift
In methodology a modest mound
A golden nugget giving kids a lift
A golden nugget patient pushed around
A golden nugget cutting costs in thrift
A golden nugget rescuing rubes half drowned
Of folk whove native knack of clever chat
In counselling in nurturing a view
Whose tender hearts untroubled never rue
You fetch as fun youre loved in seconds flat
Youve got the gift of giving gentle hugs
Well worthwhile and I offer mindless mugs
Chorus hugs clasps embraces