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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

sonnet #1,595

I play against the sharpest card the One
To win the lowest trick last and save my face
Though quite aware he is a wizard ace
I am in luck as well as love undone
I see him arm in arm in flagrant fun
My lookalike in youth rejects embrace
And quickly combs his locks of grey in place
And worse my wretched change of lifes begun
I see him later when his stem cells seize
His locks are wholly black his brow unlined
She looks a lovely teen untouched at ease
Their hugs are huge their honest kisses kind
I gawk I get my poor nose out of joint
The crystal ball describes a turning point
Chorus joint connection union

Monday, March 22, 2010

sonnet #1,594

A perfect man in my heart lives but who
Hung him on hold I guess Ill never know
All stuff I feel affects to loving so
To speculate on well wish seems taboo
I loved that leg tattoo of light blue hue
The mascot plover swooping high to low
I felt in my cheeks rise a rosy glow
His name as knight I didnt dare pursue
With him to luscious lands Ill soon elope
Well dress in his and hers in satin suits
Well feed on simply freshest scrumptious fruits
Well dust them down with lightest poppy dope
Well live and love light years and years away
And see our honest selves well into play
Chorus away distant off

Friday, March 19, 2010

sonnet #1,593

So pleased that Ive engaged you longest last
Ive gotten nowhere nuzzling choosy chicks
Seeing childhood years gave out just perfect picks
Seeing adult friendships follow money caste
You peer my petrifying and problem past
To future fun your chitchat cheery flicks
In care of kids is where you get your kicks
Your valiant aura positively vast
You wore no mask expecting realists reach
You had a mum and dad screen boys serene
You did your chores youd just iron cook and clean
A humble soul much like me each to each
You abhor hindsight and work a weakness
Foil gold beaten thinner blots out bleakness

Thursday, March 18, 2010

sonnet #1,591

A winters noon the sun burns pallid skin
As if its dawning one midsummers day
The spark in your eyes looks to speak win win
It hints at happiness at come what may
I covet your pursed lips and your great grin
My heart beats quicker when Im called okay
The world is wonderful the yang then yin
It would take hell to hate hot you away
Breath clouds by white moon wisps in winter night
Shroud some skinny figure one deadringer
They numb my pale fractured little finger
Its light pink heal mark frostbite blight rasped right
My wind burnt lips pout proud your lips earn
In shifting shadow soft eyes smiles discern
Chorus earn collect obtain

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

sonnet #1,590

And if he didn't call me clock time due
I'd fall apart in sobs dissolve hack hair
And if he didn't buy me blossoms new
Fortnightly then Id stick the cat a scare
And if he didn't writhe for me or rue
I'd shut myself in curtained past despair
And if he didn't nod to voguish view
I'd cuss in low tones cut him quick with care
That's when I acted weirdly hard to get
I lost a love far more intense than mine
Id feigned disinterest late no design
And buried busy just to sieve and vet
Weeks on when I heard how he liked me lots
How he set me free after joining jots
Chorus lots heaps piles

Sunday, March 14, 2010

sonnet #1,589

I peeked in places poor I could escape
My troubles there affinity might I find
I spied on people who well knew red tape
Of worldly wealth and kept a peace in kind
I jabbered once quite the jackanape
And low in luck with lazybones aligned
Id smirk and clap and cower and bow and gape
To grease me out of any overt bind
The folk Id like to actively impress
Have died in sleep in simple peace of age
The folk Ive sold short since are seen much less
They fill my dreams expressing purely rage
Im stuck in stuff thats sad my fault or not
I guess entirely good and bad my plot
Chorus not nein nyet

Friday, March 12, 2010

sonnet #1,586

You wont alight off coach take honest looks
At shadows cast by castle keep and moat
At goatherds guiding goats with cedar crooks
I must relate at length in words of note
The diamond queen aquiver sidling sooks
Aboard the barge in upper lock afloat
The diamond king ashiver ruffling rooks
Upon the bridge in lower lock bobbing boat
I know its near the end of pestilence
The river waters once again are pure
Theres less scabbed sores that victims hit endure
I praise your patient sceptics reticence
My lovely lean forth since my breath is hale
The mint mild or Ill roll then down your veil
Chorus hale robust vigorous

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

sonnet #1,585

Mums shadow sharpens lengthy dusky dim
Although hes sweet to me a stable rock
His black sheep background bodes the chances slim
Mum cross examines suitors stood in dock
My best friend hangs on glamorously grim
She tags along and echoes us ad hoc
Her tearful eyes embarrassed overbrim
Our gormless glances latch and rarely lock
Around his ex he acts just super sweet
She tells him thoughts inane or not that nice
He wont work loose he gives her good advice
And tortuously Im pinned to plain deceit
High noon sun save my soul from this wrangle
Shrink sharp shadows minimise knife angle
Chorus wrangle corral muster

Friday, March 05, 2010

sonnet #1,584

In sculpted stone I sense the future bode
If classic paint is peeled worn off or shed
The Earths thick mantle mined need not explode
The end of life and love a meme to dread
Her girlish giggles are things genes encode
Thats such a beautiful and senior head
Tight features under silver hair are stowed
Ive taken thin as young Im high voice led
Near stranger struck inquiring kindness met
In smiles the perfect pearl teeth surely own
No sign of stoop or bow of shrinking bone
Injected genes and youth arent hers and yet
Tonnes of dirt the starry heavens sprinkle
Each year Earth bog eyes amusing twinkle
Chorus sprinkle dust powder

Kull vs Talon

Jester - Listen, simple folk of Hashdice,
Duke Talon has weighed up your plight after
the drought and famine and epidemics from
his aery geothermal castle as the conjuring
of miserable unrest by Baron Kull, who thrives
on the horizon of what was and what may come.
Peasant 1 - We hear the thunder and see the
lightning, but the rain does not fall on the stover.
Peasant 2 - I've heard the tattle about Baron Kull's
wizard and superior powers, I'll have none
of it.
Peasant 3 - Down with Baron Kull. Or not.
Jester - There is rain brewing for torrents and
you are to abstain from rain dances till the war
between bad and worse is over. You are to sign
allegiance on this scroll, which I shall presently
attach to this raven's leg and send a-homing.
Swear by the ship mouse and the canal barge rat.
All - We swear.
Jester - By spoke and carrot,
By moulting parrot.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

sonnet #1,583

I dreamt how Mars and Venus nicely met
Off ceiling strung between huge stones
Of magnetite were magnetising yet
The steel plate statues polarised jumped bones
The wizard waved his wand near knobs deep set
A stone door opened on his chanted tones
Then sparks skipped from my amber amulet
The corridor lit lined by lucent cones
Then faces masked blinked mutely down on me
I felt them load lungs into my bare chest
I caught their kirlian aura ringed amd fine
In livor mortis coroner's inquest
I came to lying in rows of ripened wheat
I mulled three score and ten its clear deceit
Chorus wheat weit weizen

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Duke Talon - The city harbinger is dead, jester. You're in luck,
if not the laughing stocks. Take this horn I give you from
the crown of my unicorn and blow loud and hard ahead of me,
that I have a new law to pronounce on the townsfolk of
Jester - I'll wear it like a dunce, so I won't forget where I
last put it.
Duke Talon - You'll wear the horncorn as a stalking horse,
but not yet, as a scapegoat.
Jester - Lord, I thank you for this opportunity to better my
lot in life, if not curfew.
(This tri-via-log is restricted to eighteen years
and over. Any resemblance to characters would be
(Counsel Zutjou, counsel Uku, Professors Kookikredo and
Wakimojo, Cindy, Mindy at the hybrid terrarium-
(section 1)

Zutjou - Vlado, my good friend the arctic circle vor
came up with the idea, being a marine nut. I'm
glad we have a mediated shared project.
Uku - Yes, yes, his love of long haul bathyscapes
and decommissioned submarines is legendary.
Zutjou -Both Vujotsu and Monsieur le Duc want to
leave the world a better place than when they entered it.
Uku - Which won't be too hard.
Zutjou - But I can't get too friendly with the Z gang
in the sister city.
Uku - They're wealthier, no question about that. Their
mayor has sanctioned ponzis with unlimited tax credits for
deliberately running small businesses into the ground
as a very strong measure against business cartels.
Zutjou - Our intelligence and counterintelligence has
said as much. We must not let the Z gang self destruct
with the rotten borough as collateral.
Uku - Agreed. We owe Vlado only a very small favour,
the sweat of our brows is all ours. Which brings us
roundabout to the mating of the last Ab turtle
with the last Ac tortoise, poached for their own well being.
Zutjou - Pull back the curtain on the terrarium-aquarium,
professors Wakimojo and Kookikredo.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

(The following tri-verse and tri-via-log are
restricted to eighteen and over. Any resemblance
to characters would be coincidental.)

Cindy - No, I don't want to do videoconferencing.
My hair's a mess and I haven't taken off my
foundation, yet.
Mindy - How long have you known these people?
Cindy - Your idea. What time is it back homeways,
Dad - Two. Look, we don't want you getting clever
about time zones, just tell your mum and I that
you're okay.
Cindy - Did you see the air-kisses? Hers, too?
Mum - Well, I'm glad that you've found a buddy.
Stick with her. Mehetelo City is quite large. A
bad run of luck might keep you in with wrong
people and nothing else, all day long. Your
uncle Ricky is in the garden hoeing weeds, but sends
his love to you nonetheless.
Dad - I don't know how many time he's told me
that he loves you one hundred and twenty per cent.
Cindy - It wasn't a good line to start with, what was that?
Mindy - Loves you one hundred and twenty per cent,
that puts him in the negative integers, and they
say that hate is a form of love.
Cindy - It makes me want to vomit. A fondler of
little girls who's always doing people favours and
good deeds. If he was charming, it would be the end
of the world.

(draught 1.)

Monday, March 01, 2010

sonnet #1,581

Please darling wheel on home Im out of whack
Stomach sick sweat stained both blood eyes bleary
I shuffle shadows chasing stuff I lack
Charm of kind you girl whos chitchat cheery
Lift of glass rose up quick and quiet and eerie
I witnessed you aboard I knew the knack
Lug of folding mountain bike looks leery
Black safety helmet strapped on your backpack
My darling text me off your current train
Late Ill land back home by dusk for dinner
Skidding gravel last tight turn knee skinner
Ive disappointed poor you once again
Please Goddess we can look at lifestyle blocks
Quit town of trappings bollards grills and locks
Chorus blocks chunks ingots

sonnet #1,581A

He was a loud beachcombing larrikin
A sometime surfer manly mannequin
Who dug out a salty cricket blazer
Rusty remnants from a toasted tazer
And freshly armed and dressed he did hold up
A juror pinched his togs and thermal cup
Bold he bid his juror jog get fitter
Back at base hung juror met a titter
Five bailiffs outraged were on justice bent
On camels they approached a canvas tent
Noosed beachcombing larrikin hey bingo
Animal control rod deadset dingo
Siesta savvy hour in reconnoiter
Fellows who arent jolly just go loiter
Chorus reconnoiter probe scout

Elocution chart across two alphabet dice-
