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interactive movies

Thursday, March 06, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #431

Today I sweat and slave as Saturns scab
Im stuck outside the master masons guild
The castle puzzle pieces rough and drab
Theyre salvaged junk of quakes and better build
The frame is by the book yet cheaply filled
You shouldnt be embarrassed bottom boyer
I hash out history though poison quilled
Ten clips of coin earned from impious employer
I mortar murder holes in frescoed foyer
Though self inclined to blatant stab of back
Your brain in helmet bruises asks help in lawyer
The scabs at forgery in steel are crack
As scabs arrange together chunks of schism
Ungilded masons praise that cataclysm
Chorus schism breach rupture

Monday, March 03, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #430

I read in double kiss a double cross
You want to leave the lechers love affair
You lack a spine youre mum in words at loss
And she thinks whats transpired is done as dare
That shes a lesser soul Im well aware
A swap of destiny just never done
Im built this way theres not a fibre spare
The copycat excels at half the fun
You kissed in front of me to stir and stun
The double kiss I guessed the giveaway
In closed eyes calculated why you won
You wicked man in womens fears au fait
The tactics handed her a hollow win
Though strategy eluded me true sin
Chorus win triumph victory

Sunday, March 02, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #429

As Virgin Mary stands our patron saint
On calendar two hundred holidays
Its wrong to work too hard to sweat till faint
To break on brow a sweat as stinky glaze
The gentle men in dug out love to laze
Indeed the game is stopped at break of sweat
Its signs the friendly stretch of finished phase
The drinks are lemon cordial cool and wet
The summer heat in medicine is met
In pits Ill rub the handy deodorant
Its alum scented mint off swab in net
Ill pee till pints in pails turn laundry lant
I follow body clock in fast and feast
I poo then sup yes stools are very least
Chorus feast banquet dinner

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #428

A drama villain great in good and bad
Your crooked character is quite unique
I feel infatuation a forceful fad
I wish I could avoid you whinge too weak
Youre kind a gentleman youre cruel a cad
Youre mum a diplomat youre frank a freak
You stir emotions mad to sad to glad
I gave you poor impression struck as meek
I love your narcissism its subtly skewed
You reckon pink is red and cream is white
You reckon high is low and left is right
I nod you never known to come off crude
In fallacies and facets what a gem
Your surly kisses set on furry phlegm
Chorus gem jewel sparkler

Sunday, February 23, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #427

A crash test dummy doesnt dodge the pain
If macho mecha close to crucified
Old Humpty Dumpty didnt walk again
Id rather limp that people safely ride
Their phone in Pharaoh hollowed from inside
Of gouged out gold their fraction banking hid
They made the self appointed slaves abide
In multilevel market pyramid
And now young bots appear as knights once did
Theyre bookends butting longest ponzi scheme
They bring the karma calories on grid
To cap the storey scrunch your mortgage ream
I call as crash test dummy wish you best
As knight and bot and dummy cue a quest
Chorus best prime supreme

Thursday, February 20, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #426

A lump of mortar made of mothers ash
In crowded cementary humble heft
Its porous surface darkened dealt tear splash
Among a million more that mould and cleft
And could your cannibals be born bereft?
It started first to poo old folk away
To fertilise the garden dead on deft
In smoky folk tales facts of misty gray
The population boomed or so youd say
The forests fired the orange oven bricks
And storied buildings rose in vast array
Above the waterways of saline mix
Engraved the meme if mum youre not to blame
I kiss the concrete cup one leg is lame
Chorus blame censure fault

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #425

I started simply copied canny pal
The spicy secret sauce improved our dish
Eventually I blew up cannibal
That tartare tube I squeezed till scabby squish
I kept it quiet to snuff the prank or phish
I doubted self in mirror public mask
To feed on human flesh unconscious wish
Your mummy eco friendly kissed in cask
I savour hint of human how I bask
The farmers sweat in budget coffee can
The shiners sweat in poorer proof of flask
As puppet pushed about in master plan
I drink tea from a cup of china bone
In concrete city sorted left alone 
Chorus bone bein bot

Thursday, February 13, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #424

Theres none else love I my elusive jinn
Ive mimed through motions followed social mores
Ive quit those motor mouths they play to win
Theyre self immersed in monologues theyre bores
I sometimes hear the hollow slam of doors
The wind unwedged then gust of guest invades
I catch the scent of soap and misting pores
Youve pinched a slug its blossom slowly fades
The genial jinn of lustrous bangs and braids
You pinch the crumbs and spill I hardly hiss
I claim your kisses rapt theyre quick cascades
You sneak inside the sleeping bag thats bliss
Your paperwork a watermark in smoke
Id guess you ghostly jinn Im fully woke
Chorus smoke dim fumo

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #423

Our cousin Cupid fell in sleep too deep
He stumbled down a lucid dream and snored
Toys scattered which ones would as classics keep?
Tough test that what to heave and what to hoard
A painted statue stiffly smiled and poured
A cup of wine and plonked it forth on whim
Though watered down a drink you can afford
On modest manners Cupid didnt skim
The painted statues stare of radium dim
A ghostly greenish from eye sockets glow
Impressed him much he sipped off copper brim
He loved her braids and bangs all white as snow
In shackles made to stunt he woke again
The lucid dream escapist flight insane
Chorus again encore ditto

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #422

In matters social more than hint of curse
The only orphan specially abused 
The pension soldier peace time stripped of nurse 
The narcissist at patent posture mused
The lazy bones in work of fellows fused
The hermit nerd through rumours locked in lair
The fussy female her own gaffes excused
The cop off duty dumb yet snitch aware
The prude in skin tight clothes and scarcely bare
The drama queen inclined to court a feud
The gentle soul assigned the starkest stare
The boozer bold in mannerisms too crude
And what are people past a shard of hue?
I sweat the spectrum red to green to blue
Chorus hue shade tint

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #421

Your chat concludes in sudden shrug or nod
You measure morbidly obese in weight
Your suede shoes shuffle stomp scuff set in plod
Your stitches stretch a bit to soften strait
Im barely legal formerly jail bait
Our vice in common coloured candyfloss
I sample where you gorge and suffocate
Your black teeth speak of phlegmy future loss
A broken waterbed the bridge to cross
Your life insurance framed in pocket lint
Ill mount you siren like Ill bob as boss
Ill soar above the bops in scales once skint
Together clubbed to lose to love and die
And should that fail Im bound to blubbing lie
Chorus die expire perish

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #420 

If it is strange to eye and idolise
My love I reckon shell acquaint and cope
Im small enough a pain to slash to size
My hands in hover stuck theyd rather grope
If shes away a week I feel at noose in rope
Im free of fickle friends those really rile
I savour whiskey lees I puff toke dope
I let the dishes dirty rise in pile
Ive left the friend zone just the little while
I didnt condescend or double cross
I didnt bully her or whisper bile
Theyd snub me seen Id shrug at verbal loss
I never stand too close and lewdly loom
I study her as she erases gloom
Chorus loom crowd obscure

Sunday, January 26, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #419
I hate the sun it hurts eyes sears the skin
A bit of good a bit of bad in sum
The villain vacillates to lose yet win
The luciferase fish Id rather plumb
I stroll the filled in land in feeling glum
I fear Ill founder step in karmic jail
The people passing good as deaf and dumb
If brain assumes a sample small in scale
In mirror sometimes lives unhappy male
If Isis rules the dreaded menstrual rag
That fertile magic may two breasts avail
The lady boys toast her try not to gag
If summer sweat in my eyes renders ghosts
The people doubled play unwitting hosts
Chorus ghosts phantoms spectres