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interactive movies

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #415

Two vampires dangling down a garment rack
The castle loop holes filling silver screen
In panoramic picture peep all back in whack
The realm yet real the light turned cold and clean
The suits of armour wait in mirror sheen
As vampires conquer sun through visor grates
Theres little left to waste on might have been
In veins the saline water circulates
The rainy weather drinking water propagates
In dungeons dives and cellars foggiest freeze
Ice blocks are burnished lenses various states
To right the world of woe its special pleas
In metal suits if wounded flesh afloat 
In raw on racks if scarred to whinge and dote
Chorus afloat buoyant rafting

Monday, January 13, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #414

The wedding warily postponed perchance
You were ten where I was twelve tied that troth
A corser steed a suit of steel and lance
To patriot called to castle sack in oath
The water works and moat thought vital both
Our squires ignited greenery tall piles
Upwind to smoke out siege to sunder loath
The linen filters hid our smirks and smiles
I gallop back to chapel many miles
You kiss a cleric squint eyed stare at me
I flinch away alarmed Im floored it riles
I show off spoils to pay the fattest fee
You didnt wonder whether person died
Thats just as well I wouldve squarely lied
Chorus died expired perished

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #413

Is my tired brain a naked knob you leer
An open minded octopus all nerves?
Too late to back off blend and disappear
In inkling ink a sop to pretty pervs
Your panty line a subtle message serves
Its rude to point unless theres period blot
Im blind to braille I swear on hips as curves
Your camel toe to trousers grants a slot
And next you wink at me I wonder what
I notice now Ive left the fly undone
As beyond the pot the zip is jammed a jot
I reach to solace pantyhose that run
You know Im nervous nuzzled my teeth gnash
Around your neck a soap inflicted rash
Chorus gnash chafe scuff

Thursday, January 02, 2025

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #412

I know your kind in kinks and burrs unique
Its funny filling blanks and joining dots
Of glamour goddess shimmer less is chic
Your manners manifest in lucky lots
You gel as factory you jig out jots
Your rna taps dna terms due
Your vital organs order nanobots
In doctors inkling innards telltale true
They custom build you bolt and nut and screw
They kill off parasites that suck you sick
In water memory tap you yore you
They firm your skin they fix your cuff and nick
Your face is bits of every other face
That norm of beauty found in peopled place
Chorus face countenance mug

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #411

Indeed you live life less and learn in rote
You dwell on farther future more of kind
Your second nature back up mental note
Your luminescent skin above aligned
Your waters crystalline embrace and bind
Your flesh and bone transmit your subtle soul
You stamp and summon sparks via ankle grind
An arch Achilles piezo static doll
Your alchemy electrifies you whole
Your lungs and heart are prime and wise at work
You wear a social mask you segue to role
In monkish muse I feel youre wholly quirk
Your lesser self is more than marionette
I love your struggle sweetest girl Ive met
Chorus marionette marionet marioneta

Friday, December 27, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #410

The stable muck out noble manual chore
I stink of sweat and straw I groom a steed
The serfs on holidays their lords ignore 
As fifteen hours of work a week theyll heed
In forty hours of work a week your greed
Is blatant such a rapid riches hoax
Its ghostly double entry ledgers lead
To mortgage pyramid a hub to folks
I wear to work a suit of steel it cloaks
Its garb of garbage dump it filters germs
I suck on linen filter furnace smokes
Immune I stand I sense your loss to worms
Youre sentimental stuck on parts of past
Too crowded factories yet not iron caste
Chorus past bygone yore

Thursday, December 26, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #409

They burnt the logs in kilns to bake the blocks
Of stadiums palaces and pyramids
Till jungle paved the way to plough and ox
To cereal grasses glorious weeds in grids
A quadrant fallow kept as fourth year bids
To rest and nourish soil in chaff and rain
The crop economy too niche on skids
As famine follows dry year harvest wane
The summer fires took hold the fight in vain
Then human hunger favoured cannibal
Then jungle axed ash ate and rose again
Its lost tribes mock up shills yet magical
The civilization that swifly rose
As swiftly fell Ill bear thin bone through nose
Chorus rose mounted surged


Monday, December 23, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #408

Ive lived two centuries that decent length
Yet city Flouridus is dying at core
The Satanists are slowly gaining strength
Old buildings crack on grind of germ and spore
Young multi storey buildings flutes in bore
Adjust the weather sing of breeze off sea
As flushing loos to sewers via siphons chime to pour
And push out filth the noble notes agree
I see a quake a flood of poo and pee
The salvaged sewer employed to peddle kids
The battered buildings squatter factory
Inserted rationale as Satan bids
A fork tongued doctor forest parked on fringe
Those patients desperate appear to cringe
Chorus fringe border margin

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #407

Her wifey ways and beauty shrouded bop
The subtle signs eventually arose
The men around her priest or ponce or prop
Asexual pals all females flamed as foes
I was inclined to pout and not oppose 
They kept their cool old me a giddy mess
I loved her dimpled cheeks and crinkled nose
Her heaped hair make up matte and skimpy dress
The bartered sex I sampled nothing less
At prompt I dished out pumpkin pies and booze
Her patient pals in wings the while Id guess
To sneak in strokes elaborate their ruse
Her pal a phony homosexual man
I less than thrilled that they employed elan
Chorus man fellow guy

Sunday, December 15, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #406

Through decade past Id practised medicine
Till money Mammon promised massed a pile
The student slave I was in rubbish bin
I rose above the ritual haze in style
I burn off calories engrossed in guile
A stretch to reckon me on local street
I keep a distance safer country mile
The patients pain in bum its gymnast feat
All puzzle pieces spread out neat as neat
Im head and limbs that tend to torso point
Yourself youre grade of sausage maker meat
The jig up should I pose as juicy joint
I warn against sea salt sweat hand in cramp
I sign the script a pain thump rubber stamp
Chorus cramp jerk spasm

(Dr Noel Otto Leon)

Friday, December 13, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #405

I doormat stuck a sock inside the door 
Im fascinated by her pretty face
And sweaty prints of feet on parquet floor 
Her feet in serious spirals pace
I lap at spores in grooves of cedar lace
Then suck up silverfish at home in rug
I join toy dogs as bottom dog third place
I promise poshest penthouse scant yet snug
Im flat in face I know I pass as pug
Id like to leave on couch a poohole smudge
Endure the lenient scold of hearty hug
Toy dogs endear themselves that way Id judge
I leave at doormat genuine leather shoes
I fancied feet in slippers puppy chews
Chorus shoes skoene soulye

Thursday, December 12, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #404

In slinks a laughing girl the fancied fave 
I feel a little hot a facial flush
I suffer stuck in friend zone next to grave
I wish the worst on rivals keep it hush
Im such a simp as confidante I gush
The casual primp and hair toss captivate
The friendly hug and smack inflect the crush
The cosy chats are close to proper date
The rivals seem sort same in style I rate
Theyre macho men aware yet self immersed
They strut and show off financed cars in strait
Or so I wish I hint at which ones worst
I reckon shes afraid to fall in love
Theres less to lose at ceremonial shove
Chorus love amores fondness