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interactive movies

Friday, August 30, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #377

You could avoid a vampire such as I
If not you only see yourself to blame
Your energy I drain you neednt die
I blink you custom code you later claim
You listen while I whinge thats such a shame
I set aside as sound your sage advice
I never listen back I fill the frame
I criticize you cruelly sharp as ice
I work old wounds I plug in cords then splice
I feed on vibe of moral betterment
You never challenge me youre far too nice
Your calories in curiosity lent
I lurk at lesser energetic state
I lure you down I drain I enervate
Chorus state province realm

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #376

Youre pretty looked on lamely bit by bit
You field a face thats pretty plain in sum
Your features are too fine a spacious fit
I love them close on kiss Im stricken dumb
Your easy eyes out wide implore and plumb
They say youre someone whose inclined to care
You mollify amused I coddle numb
I strike a pose Im stilted self aware
I pass as statue spontaneity rare
Im stuck inside a rote of ps and qs
I grant you gumption solid savoir faire
Youll break through safely stuck in bluff and ruse
Id rather raise a goddess well aloft
Youre not anonymous Id read youre soft
Chorus aloft overhead skyward

Monday, August 26, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #375

You dont think gods exist yet stuff I speak
Im Ghlaunder bloody god of parasites
My sign mosquito bloated lord of leak
All leeches love its anaesthetic bites
Apologists enrol their worms in rights
And rodent clubs approve affiliate fleas
A nature lover bold bed bugs invites
The brief in breath inserts a dust mite wheeze
They trap t gondii carrier cats on knees
Thus puppet hosts to nano single cells
Infested brains in slow and sad thoughts please
Yet very vain they dont accept it dwells
Youll never wake youre far off self aware
Your furry friends approve you fancy fare
Chorus aware conscious enlightened

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #374

Bob watches silly wind time more or less
On standard tick tock theyre not agreed
I gaze on evergreen trees leaves yet dress
And succulents in winter gone to seed
Time slows on puff of hemp the weaker weed
Its supple strands turn paper rope and rag
It grows in fields and forests care in little need
And pacifies the miffed in motion lag
Immortality sometimes strikes a snag
The wicked worms in gut and mites in face
That modify the mind that gnaw to nag
The sacrificial cells that skimp on grace
The daisy mint and wormwood water spray
I hand you from the fairy castle far away
Chorus spray drizzle jet

Monday, August 19, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #373

Arent we alike in love two peas in pod?
Youve suffered much as I have at hands of simps
You overshare I do too oodles odd
Their sense of soul turns out just cuffs and crimps
Theyre bad as beta males incels and whimps
Their stand off shallow cleanliness they shun
Their odour ripe and sweet as stink off chimps
They cringe at female clothes and make up fun
Their weekly change of clothes amounts to one
And we tend not to follow feral suit
The natural appearance flakes in face of sun
Their patronage a pain off lazy brute
Theres many men I mind they sometimes care
I wish us matchy match a mirror pair
Chorus care heed regard

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #372

Embodiment of me I view just now
A shell of self the smallest nesting doll
I cant escape the scope I puzzle how
The mint of me as me at scale yet whole
A doppelganger born I relish role
A lost identical twin born and biffed away
Im dime a dozen struck in public poll
In census growth I hold the ground or sway
I wait upon your resurrection day
Your pull of string to ring the surface bell
Your casket buried deep inside the clay
Ill dig you free to live in parallel
Youre beautiful yet median marked off folk
A drop dead doll invisible Im woke
Chorus folk citizens people

Thursday, August 08, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #371A

I flunked the standards set by sawbone school
Id die inside a private practice quack
Another four years study vengeance fuel
I qualified as shrink to charge a stack
The labels libelous are dry they lack
Their narrowness impedes true money flow
Unspoken slanders door ajar a crack
This made up malady takes hold yet slow
The victim stands at fault and never foe
The powers are locked in large unconscious mind
The puppet master he is not to know
Alas long lost the key I never find
I generalise autism squeeze the sold
And flash to sawbones stash of jewels and gold

'They said my flayed salamanders and frogs were a bit scruffy around the edges.'

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

interactive movies

Revised sonnet #371

How love hurts me I reel at slap of wrist
I sense a sort of pardon dealt I dread
The patronage is pure you pin the gist
On me and mine a lot of light is shed
A simple soul Im framed Im rightly read
I wish I somehow understood you back
You self efface in banter widely spread
Youre self aware and warm youve got the knack
I wish I faltered jealous jibe I lack
Youve messed up me I shouldve cut to size
The mirror shows to me thing minus crack
You cloak in charm escape the charge of lies
Theyre never nasty lies theyre fuzzy fibs
I weep ecstatic my tears wet the squibs
Chorus fibs stretches twists